Always disliked the play offs on a 'moral' basis. Over 46 games Wednesday were 3rd best and with 3 teams up it should have been them promoted. I'd say same if situation was reversed. Nothing to do with loyalty to Barnsley, simply a dislike of a system where a team like Peterborough, miles behind, can come within an ace of going to wembley and getting promoted. Another money generator now embedded in the footballing calendar. P.s. Come on Barnsley!
We’ve had play offs in one form or another since 1987 though, even prior to the greed league. It’s been part of English football for nearly 40 years.
Moral victories don't count for anything these days, the rules have been in place for many years now. There's no real benefit in finishing 3rd over 6th other than home advantage (where away goals now count for nowt) My preference would be that the team finishing 3rd gets a larger amount of prize money or receipts to recognise the achievement.
You're correct of course and play offs have indeed been around for a long time now. I've never agreed with them though. A season is 46 games home and away. Then, almost magically the seasons points total over those 46 games is deemed not good enough if one finishes third. We've all got used to it I know but its crap really even though, as now, we still have something to play for. I accept all the 'it adds a bit of excitement', 'keeps the season going ' arguments but I'm not saying that. Anyway, I'll shut up now lest I'm branded a killjoy. I've had my say, will say no more, will keep my mouth closed on the subject and refrain from further comment (unless insulted, in which case the insulter can bollo.x)
There is certainly a moral case for 3 automatic promotion slots, but I am firmly of the belief that all the benefits of the playoffs hugely outweigh any minuses. I think they're absolutely brilliant.
That's a good point. Personally, I wouldn't mess with the format as I think it's fine how it is, but there are definite arguments for a single game semi final.
I'm a tradionalist and I can fully understand the anti play off point of view. However, as Merde Tete says the advantages outweigh the alternative for me. If it was a straight three up in our league this season then Bolton, Derby, Peterborough, Portsmouth would all have been playing meaningless matches for, probably, the last two months of the season. It is an entertainment and anything, within reason, that maximises that is welcome. The rules have been in place for 40 years. Everyone knows finishing third doesn't get you promoted. If you can't break into the top two tough luck. Thems the rules.
Instead of thinking it unfair for third spot, think of it being another chance for promotion despite not being good enough the first time round for autos. Its a brilliant format imo!
I think, going back many years, there were only two promotion slots to the second tier anyway. So finishing third and still having a chance is a bonus.
Think this is the main justification of a play off system as it keeps the league more competitive longer for more teams. If we didn’t have it people would be in uproar when teams were deemed to stop trying.
True the play off system can be harsh at times, but who would really want to go back to the times when many teams seasons were over competitively by Feb?
Everyone knew the rules at the start of the season so that wouldn't have been fair on us. If we'd known we had to get 3rd spot - we would have gone and got it - rather than coasting over the line as we so obviously did.
But all the teams in the division played knowing that the top two get promoted and 3,4,5,6 playoff. If the rules had been different teams might have played differently.
Maybe third should get automatic promotion, but 4th bottom of the division above should be in the play-offs too with 4th, 5th and 6th
Once you get to third in the table you lose my sympathy I'm afraid. If they wanted to go up automatically they should have finished top two. The league system isn't particularly fair either. Over the course of nine months bans, injuries and the variable schedules between teams mean that some will inevitably get an advantage over others. A straight head-to-head to determine the best team makes sense.