blues song ever felt like swinging a pig from habro hills to wadsley bridge oh barnsley you got me swinging a pig APIG APIG A PIG APIG APIG Best evet to the tune never felt more like singing the blues
'Dont you dare jolly score. If you do we shall not be your friends'. What about that for a wind-up eh?
Top 2 & you fcked it up Top 2 & you fcked it up Top 2 & you fcked it up Top 2 & you fcked it up Top 2 & you fcked it up Etc….
Blunts You fill up my senses, Like a gallon of Magnet, Like a packet of Woodbines, Like a good pinch of snuff, Like a night out in Sheffield, Like a greasy chip butty, Like Sheffield United, Come fill me again Na na na na na...Ooooohh! Fekk that New version You fill up my senses, Like a gallon of lager Like a few Percies pork pies Like a good Michael Duff Like a night out in Barnsley Like a greasy chip butty Like little old Barnsleee Come fill me again Na na na na na...Ooooohh!