That's how thickle football fans are though they finished on a club record points total went on a twenty odd game unbeaten run. They then get hammered in the 1st leg of play offs they all want him out he gets racially abused etc next game they turn it around and he's best bloke ever again. Couldn't make it up.
This about sums my feelings up too. Don't get me wrong will be gutted if we lose but, by the time we got back to Barnsley I would be over it and looking forward to next season, as I genuinely believe we are a club heading in the right direction regardless of which league we start next season in.
The biggest worry for me is not losing the game but the potential rammifications that vome with it The biggest worry for me isn't losing the game but the potential ramifications' ie losing our coach and key players like Anderson Connell Kithing etc' i know we have far better people at the helm now but there is sure to be a lot of interest in our boys and going back to square one would be awful.
I also feel strangely calm about it, I felt the same against Millwall and Swansea. I think we showed in our two wins against the massives that we can do it.
It's impossible for me not to feel nervous when playing these jammy gits. I'm also not confident about which Barnsley are going to turn up, unlike in 2016 and 2019 when we seemed an unstoppable force at the business end of the season.
Im not cos is another season in league one any worse than a championship slog? Provided we keep duff?
And it's a game of football, WORSE things in life then losing to Wednesday, but it would hurt if iam being honest ,but we're going to win.
Ever since Wednesday got through i’ve felt something between flat and dread. I should be excited but part of me doesn’t even want to go. And yes, there are far more important things in life, and actually I like league one. I just cannot bear the thought of their fans being jubilant at our expense in such a big game.
Altered and updated Who do you think you are kidding Barry Bannon, if you think old Barnsley's done We have the boys who will stop your little game We have the boys who will make you lose again Cause who do you think you are kidding Barry Bannon If you think old Barnsleys done Mr Duff comes into tarn On the eight twenty one But he goes home this evening With the trophy from league one Cause who do you think you are kidding Barry Bannon if you thought old barnsleys done