Come to a stop at jct 29A. Is this the same issue? Says 'pedestrians in road'. That doesn't sound like a road closure but could be deceptive. Traffic going nowhere
Marvellous. Half five and stuck in a queue. Give me updates when you know owt. I am bang at the 29A jct. Haven't moved an inch for 15 mins.
Wouldn’t mind matrix signs said only outside lane was closed I would have gone through chezzy otherwise
Wouldn’t mind matrix signs said only outside lane was closed I would have gone through chezzy otherwise
Exactly. Said pedestrians in road. That sounds like a stranded car. Not great, and a bit of a wait while it is moved. But not massive.
The matrix sign right in front of me changed to 'incident' and then changed again to a national speed limit sign as if its cleared?
I'm an A1 bloke today. Fingers crossed. Hope everybody on the M1 gets through safely and easily, we do not want any horror stories ... please.
It’ll be Wednesday fans, having, hired, begged or nicked all available area in Sheffield and surrounding areas the remaining millions will have set off walking!