I made a decision a few weeks ago in the event of getting there not to go to Wembley. It was purely a financial decision and it turns out its one of the worst things I've done. In fact at the age of 46 I've just burst into tears seeing my grandson outside Wembley and I'm not there. Gutted.
There was a thread on here other day saying if anyone can't afford it, to get in touch with people offering mate - I'm sorry if you didn't see it, but if you did see it and felt too ashamed, please dont feel like that in the future. The reason people offer is becUse they understand financial hardship Enjoy the match mate, hopefully your grandson has a cracking day out
That’s really tough. I’m missing my first Wembley match today as I’m not not up to it anymore. It’s a pity you didn’t say something earlier The bbs would have got you there
I did see the thread and yea probably pride got in the way. To be fair I've never been like this missing a game just shows how much I live the reds.
Majority have been in the situation youve been in bud, so never feel ashamed or too proud to accept an offer and a bit of help. You'll be watching on telly at least bud?
I've not been able to go (recovering from an operation, not allowed on my feet excessively) and it's doing my head in now. I so, so wish I was there.