Sheffield Wednesday shouldn't have even been there. Peterborough also had a stone wall penalty not given in their game, and the Wednesday player should've been sent off. I know I sound salty but I'm just stating facts. The establishment won today, they got their wish. The two key decisions today were shades of Korea 2002 for me, look up their games against Spain and Italy. Very proud of Barnsley, we were outstanding and didn't deserve to lose. Would nominate Mads Anderson for a statue outside Oakwell, or a stand named after him.. Something. What a man. Isted was great, Norwood was great, Kitching... Just the effort was insane. Love this team, love ALL of you guys on here, sadly I just accepted defeat as soon as the penalty wasn't given as it was apparent what was going on.
Just give em all the time they need. If they need 15 hours extra time to win give it em. Of course if it went to penalties we'd have lost as we dont get any