What a moment when this came on yesterday and the scarves were spinning. Wednesday fans just gawping on in envy as their millions of fans were quiet as a mouse all afternoon.
I noticed the difference between 2 sets of fans as well The other thing I didnt get walking back down Wembley way post match was how many massive fans didnt even stay to see the trophy presented. there were as many in blue and white as in red 10 minutes after the game finished
It was immense. So proud of how our fans reacted and backed our 10 men so much while Wednesday looked fed up and insulted by their team not beating little old Barnsley. THAT is what real support is about. Not how many tickets you sell. We did ourselves proud just like our players did, well done Reds.
We stayed behind for a few minutes to applaud the reds and were amazed to see droves of Wendy lot well ahead of us leaving the stadium. We think they must have left early fearing defeat in the penalty shoot out.
Think the most fun the Wendies had was with the inflatable beach balls . On Porktalk there was a great deal made about how they'd drown everything out, they'd all do the bounce and Wembley would never see the like again and they were a complete damp squib!
I took it as a sign, when our goal music started playing at the end of the game. I don't know whether it was a coincidence or not. I'd not taken my scalf due to the weather, so I went full Granty and took my shirt off.
I thought the DJ did add a bit of atmosphere - surprised me actually. Worth a look at Oakwell for next season.
This was the moment (probably the only moment due to nerves) that I really thought we were going to win in. Found this video on Twitter:
Didn't we have one this season? (DJ Chris Page). Seem to remember it being mentioned .Not sure if it was just some games or all season.
@MonkeyRed upload it here and then copy and paste the link. I’d love to see it! https://streamable.com/
My Grandaughter had been to the loo during the interval. On hearing the music in the concorse, and then seeing the crowd, she came hurtling back to her seat thinking we had scored.
Barnsley folk haven't seen a DJ that good since Chris Kelly would get people partying in The Londoner on a Saturday night. Our end went crazy when he played Miracle by Calvin Harris and Ellie Goulding.
Brilliant goal music, should never be stopped. Scarf day should also get bigger and bigger each season.