Yep totally agree and I have absolutely no doubt had it happened in the other penalty area it would have been reviewed and awarded.
Found this on the internet from an American Soccer ref when asked about a similar event, his reply suggests it’s not as clear cut as we believe it is. The answer to that is “It depends”. It could be a foul on the shooter, it could be a foul on the defender, or it could be (and often is) “no foul at all”. Answering it definitively depends on a number of circumstances: “Where is the ball?”, “Where are the two players relative to the ball?”, “Has one player ‘extended’ into the others’ space?”, and even “Did either player dangerously ‘lead’ with speed or with too much intensity?”. All of this then leads to an overarching question “Was the challenge fair?” For instance, if the ball is in front of the defender and the attacker kicks “across” the defender’s path, only winning the ball (and shot) by guaranteeing contact with the defender, then we likely have a kicking foul on the attacker. On the other hand, if the attacker is dribbling and has control and the defender desperately “lunges” to block the shot, throwing his leg across the attacker’s kick…we may have a foul on the defender, or “no call” at all (even if the defender is the one hurt). I’ve had this scenario dozens (maybe hundreds) of times, and have called this all three ways…and even shown a card for it a few times.
Me neither it’s been in rugby for as long as I can remember. American football the ref informs the crowd of the decisions etc. the technology is there they are just choosing to not use it.
I've read thread after thread, about decisions being made wrong by Referees and var, the thing is at the end of the day how many have been overturned, they get it wrong in the Preiership, Championship, fook me they even got it wrong a few times during the World cup, i doubt very much that a team like Barnsley are going to be able to turn a decision, we all know footballs corrupt accept it and live with it.
Agreed. Watching the refereeing process in the Sale v Saracens game at Twickenham was both refreshing and enlightening. Absolute transparency from start to finish, as well as obvious two way respect between the ref and the players. Absolutely brilliant, and surely not difficult to implement in modern football?
Rotherham fans at work: that was never a red card and definite penalty. Doncaster fan at work: how did var get both decisions wrong? Sheffield United fans at work: can't believe they got both key decisions wrong. Leeds fan at work: var is a joke. Cost you the game Derby fans: Wednesday always seem to get bad decisions go there way. Never a red for us against them in last game of season. Penalty outside the box against Peterborough and two corrupt decisions yesterday. Owner must be paying a lot of people off. Hull fan: that was a disgrace. Fa need to investigate Wednesday fan: both decisions were right.
Even Wednesday fans on Mon night and home on terrain yesterday said the decisions were shocking. Even giving them the benefit of the doubt and us failing to score and not taking advantage if it was 11 vs 11, they got away with it. They've failed to beat us in normal time all season!
Much as it hurts I think it`s time to let it go. There will be no appeal and what difference will it make anyway? We need to move on I`m afraid.