I overheard this pearl of wisdom on the way out of Wembley on Monday. A lad was saying to his mate "It's Norwood's fault we lost. He went down with cramp just before the end of extra time, and was due to be substituted for Cundy. Had he not been selfish and tried to soldier on, we could have gone to 5 at the back, and Wednesday wouldn't have found a way through". Belter
The other reason he stayed on, was because we had already used our 5 subs. We couldn't have brought Cundy on
Thing is you can see the logic there but that can also be applied to a thousand different things that happened on the pitch that day. What if we didnt get that red card? What if we got that penalty in the first half? What if Connell scored that sitter? What if Kitchings header went in instead of hitting the bar? What ifs are a killer.
I'm fairly certain you get an extra sub in extra time. Cundy was certainly readying himself to come on for Norwood.
I loved that he pushed to stay on. Showed some toughness and resilience. Kind of embodied our performance in the match and the whole season. To pin the loss on that one choice is absolute madness. An emotional over-reaction. I'd love him to stay on with us next season
Agreed. It is what it is. What if Isted hadn't pulled off the point-blank save from Smith? Did 10-men actually galvanise us? Maybe. Could we have missed the penalty? Possibly. Would losing on penalties have made us feel any better, or would it have just been the worst day in one of our players lives? What if the Peterborough player had just leathered the ball into the stand with 10 seconds to go, instead of straight to them. There's just no point thinking 'what if', it'll drive you mad.
People seem to forget that even if we hadn't conceded that goal, we would still have had to win the penalty shoot out. I know who i'd back most out of Norwood and Cundy. No idea who would've taken the other 4 mind...
Never really understood why managers make substitutions just for penalties. It always ends up being the player that's only come on to take one that misses.
Yes mate, he gave their defence a torrid time, they had Tedic in their pockets by comparison. It was a real shame that shot near the end was saved, maybe he should have laid it off for Benson(?), but I don't begrudge him having a go.
We could have made two more subs. Tedic was a concussion sub and you get one more in extra time aswell.
Any 4 from these for me; Connell, Andersen, Kitching, Watters, L Thomas, Williams, B Thomas and Isted.