seen this argument before. Means nowt for me, he gets loads of starts and lots of chances of which he scores some, if doesn’t mean a more natural goalscorer wouldn’t have scored more. He tries, but for me way too many chances and balls into good positions go begging. I see him as reactive not proactive , seen him arrive into the box just too late too many times for me to think otherwise.
I'm not surprised that Cole had a decent season or that he still doesn't please everyone but he has been the main striker in a team that missed out on promotion by a whisker and don't see any reason why he can't do even better next season.
Norwood runs his arse off every game, and makes an impact. Does Cole? He’s alway got his back to goal… he’s become puppet pressing man…. We all see that surely and that why we get on his back.
One issue with Cole is that his form is patchy. He’ll go on a run where he gets 5 or 6 goals in 7 or 8 games, then not score for ages. We need to bring someone in to provide better competition for a starting spot than Watters or Tedic could offer, as I can’t see Oli Shaw doing that next season. If that drives Cole to being more consistent over the season then even better. We’ll need to be more clinical up front next season as our back three is likely to be weaker than it was this season.
Yeah I've said in other posts I don't personally think he's brilliant. I think he's ok. But he's our top scorer. No getting away from that. I think Nors is our best forward for 60 minutes, but he gasses completely beyond that. Tedic full of intent but just too lightweight for the role he was meant to play, and Watters just not suited to our style for me. So whichever way you cut it, he was still the 1st choice to start. IMO anyway.
Goal scorer need defo, our defensive play was better, just need a clinical finish. Someone who’s got an eye and passion for goal.
I get it he’s just not good enough top scorer or not. If he could bulk up get some physicality ands a pair he’d be okay.
Would you play him in midfield or as a winger Jud? That was his question. Do you think Watters or Tedic were better last season?
God, there is some deluded drivel posted on this thread. We're in sodding League 1, and people are expecting Cole to be his dad reincarnate.
I dont think people expect Cole to be his dad. For me the bottom line is always 'is he any good?' and following on from that 'in this league given our resources could we do better?' On the first of those I dont think he's particularly good. Not in the right positions often enough, doesn't move well enough. He's not crap, but I think he's just 'ok'. Yes he's scored goals but with Barnsley's midfield I really think a 'good' striker would have scored more. As to the second point I made, in this league I think we COULD do better even on our budget. Cole should be a back up, not an automatic choice up front. Cole is 'ok' at this level but we can and should be aspiring for better
He’s found his level, average league 1 striker, good to keep around as back up but if anyone comes in with a decent offer sell. If we want to push up the league & become competitive in the Championship then he’s not the answer, we need better.
Lad gets way too much stick dont get it, seems to give his all every game contrary to what a lot of folk say. A bit more consistency and he could crack 20 next season.
I said to my neutral friend while we were watching the playoff final that I think there's something specific about the way he plays which often makes him look worse than he is. I can't quite put my finger on what it is exactly, but it's my nascent theory to explain why a section of our fans never seem to warm to him, and maybe also why he never seems to get any luck when it comes to refereeing decisions. I like him.
You wanted us to re sign watters and then never gave a reason when asked. All you've done is constantly critisise the main striker in a team that narrowly missed out on promotion. I don't think he's the best striker we have ever had but some of the comments seem harsh. Probley the same posters who thought woodrow was better than Ivan toney... anyway duff seems to like Cole so that'll do for me.
If you have a look at the BBC stats on our players though the comparison between Cole and Watters isnt a truly equal one due to the smaller amount of games played by Watters they do show this... shot accuracy. Cole 51%. Watters 75% Minutes per goal. Cole 246 Watters 161 Cole's goal output was ok this season and I'm not specifically pointing the finger at him. I'd be happy to have him scoring 16 next season but alongside someone who scores 20 plus. It's not wrong of us to be looking for someone who CAN score 20 plus. I'm well aware that so is every other club but we've shown in the past that we can bring that sort of striker to the club in this division.
If you compared someone like vic last season in the Championship who only really made sub appearances and compared it to woodrow they wasn't much in it I think vic scored more goals from open play. Its always hard comparing players who play all season to bit part players. I watched watters and apart from mk dons I wasn't impressed. There was probably a reason duff didn't pick him much.
That's fair enough. I wasn't bowled over either. I do put a fair bit of faith in stats though. Admittedly with Watters it's not a big enough sample. Norwood's stats make me wish he was five years younger. Olli Shaw....I'm completely bewildered to be honest. I'd rather have Watters than Shaw but he'd obviously cost more in fee and wages. Anyway, fingers crossed we unearth another Winnal, Woodrow this summer.
An odd one is Cole. I can see why people don’t rate him He’s a pacey striker but doesn’t really frighten defenders with his pace, constantly getting in behind them and being a nuisance. He looks uncomfortable with ball at his feet. He’s not like a constant danger, you don’t get the impression he’s gonna score any minute. If he was playing against us I wouldn’t be worried about him like I am some strikers yet he’s scored 15 goals with no pens which is a very good return