Can't see a blatant stamp from a manure player on a man city players ankle but can see a Barnsley player brush the leg of a fowl and can't see a fowl drop kick a Barnsley player in the penalty area but can see the ball brush Grealishs finger tips. Don't tell me Football isn't corrupt
It's not football anymore. I thought var was supposed to remove the "human error" which we managed quite well with for over a hundred years. But when human error, or interpretation, or whatever still leaves us with controversy, what is the point?
My grandad always said where's there money there's always a fiddle, so just because a corrupt institute put something in place to make it look like it's not corrupt it doesn't make it so
Why bother if it can't be implemented at all levels? It's like Goal-LIne Technology really. Wasn't there an instance something couldn't be used at Oakwell because our floodlights weren't up tp it?
It should be shown onto big screen in grounds like at rugby. And the referee on the field make the decision.
And the discussion between the VAR ref and on field ref broadcast so the reason for their decision is clear
It is not VAR that is useless it is the people reading it, that are either thick, useless or corrupt, maybe all 3
Tried it in 1989. David Elleray - Arsenal v erm Millwall I think. There was a documentary which is probably available somewhere. There's not a problem with anything the Elleray says but the amount of swearing from the players that came through the mic... Elleray also talks about the death threats he received that the police took so seriously he could push a button that would have them speeding round to his house.
But isn't the swearing a problem that would be very quickly dealt with by punishing players? As for the death threats. Were they specifically due to people hearing him talk or were they more general because of how disliked he was as a referee? Which doesn't justify it I know
If they swear give them a card like they should be given cards or at least a free kick against them if they tug shirts or grab players if the useless refs showed their authority as in rugby then we would maybe get better players
Death threats were nothing to do with him having the Mic on. Alex Ferguson and then the Man Utd chairman Martin Edwards both gave interviews to newspapers including very personal attacks on Elleray after which death threats came flying in. Made the papers and I think both faced disrepute charges from the FA, or it may just have been Edwards. I think Edwards did apologise. As for the swearing, he would have had to send everyone off in the first 5 minutes!
Agreed. Once again, it works in rugby. The arrogance in of the referee on Monday was incredible - red card, finger pointed, no explanation.
Pity there was no VAR when he dived and got Chris Morgan sent off at Oakwell in 1998.. A perfect illustration of the biggest problem by far in football, the fact that cheating has become normalised behaviour.