Apparently the charge is for "displaying threatening or abusive writing likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress". I don't think there's any doubt he's guilty of that. Obviously the police aren't going to run around arresting anyone wearing a dodgy t-shirt. But it's good to see there's something in place to handle extreme cases, like this one. If someone walked into a Synagogue with a Nazi t-shirt on, I imagine there would be a similar response. Zero sympathy for him. Gets everything he deserves for me.
Agree. Maybe I should have left the Ukraine point out. Decent BBS post sounding out someone who appears to be a twa.t. I was just trying to put some context in. Nasty though he may very well be maybe some threads on here dont get as much attention when they really ought to
There's the Busby air crash songs as well which are a disgrace. How would they feel if Liverpool or any other clubs fans, walked around wearing shirts with something offensive about it.
True. There was also the time, in the 1974/75 season, in a Division 2 game when Cardiff fans chanted about the Munich air disaster and Manchester United fans chanted about Aberfan. It's all sick, cannot be defended, yet still used by some as a sort of badge of honour.
Footy really brings out the lowest of the low sometimes, when it comes to offensive chanting and/or behaviour. Sometimes they have been drinking too much, which is no excuse. Or sometimes they do it as revenge, because the other fans started it, etc!. And then where does it all end.
all of football is toxic, Leeds fans made me laugh hope Bournemouth team,(same team you was screaming wnaker at everytime they took a throw in and a corner,) do us a favour and win at Everton, course they will, they will think hope Leeds go down and we dont have to face that vitriol next year ,the total abuse of away teams these days as become too much
I once got a Police caution during an Anti Apartheid March to Clapham Common because I was wearing a T Shirt with the Daily Mail masthead which had the headline ‘ The Daily Mail - I wouldn’t wipe my Arse with it’. Under that was a sub heading ‘I wouldn’t wipe my Dog’s arse with it either.’ I was told I was provoking a public order offence. Luckily some of the 100,000 marchers who were with me ‘disagreed’ quite strongly with the Police Officers concerned.