Explains why we all thought he had the heart of a pea. He mentions drinking but doesn't sound like Gazza or Merson in their prime. He doesn't mention mental health, so we shouldn't assume that's why he didn't do as well as he should have at Football.
Back when he was at Barnsley a group of us went into Wildcats on Wellington Street & he was sat on his own having dance after dance. Thought it was a bit strange to see someone with that kind of money all alone on a Saturday night after a match. He wasn’t even drunk. Sad state of affairs. No one with that kind of wealth in their teens should be struggling now. He could’ve lived an extravagant lifestyle as a teenager on a quarter of his weekly wage & still put plenty aside.
A bit harsh that. Alcoholism is a terrible affliction, which takes many different forms. What you say about him wasting his talent is of course true, but it sounds like he has his demons which sadly got the better of him.
I sympathise with Jacob totally. Having had sons who have been through/ are going through what he has I have a good idea of his state of mind. I hope he gets the necessary help and can make a decent career out of coaching. What a mentor he would be for our highly rated youngsters to stop them falling into the same trap. Good luck Jacob