Is that actually true? Just heard Carlo Van De Watering on the radio talking about speculation linking mads Andersen to the dee dars and he said that fans have spoke of values of 4 million but we have to remember that a player is only worth what someone is willing to pay. Is that correct though? If you are actively trying to sell a player then I'd say it is but if you are not TRYING to sell the player the.ln I'd argue it's absolutely not correct. To give a **** analogy (for a change). If I wanted to move house so I put it on the market for £150k but only receive offers around £130k then I have to accept that I've over valued the house and it isn't worth what I thought. Quite rightly it's only worth what someone is willing to pay. However in reality I like my house, I'm happy to live where I am and have no intention to sell. If someone offered me £130k I'd tell them to do one. If they offered me £150k I'd tell them to do one. If they knocked on my door tomorrow and told me they love my house, it's a perfect fit for their family, and they were willing to give me £200k to sell to them then I'd seriously consider it and in all honesty probably say yes. So if you want and need to sell then yeah mads Andersen is only worth what someone offers. Need him off the wage bill? Then a £500k offer will be accepted. Don't need to sell him? Then no he's not only worth what someone offers, he's worth whatever the club decide his value to our squad is. This isn't really specific to mads, it's a general one regarding the age old phrase "a player is only worth what someone is prepared to pay" because it's simply not true. It depends entirely on how much desire you have to sell or keep the player because they don't just have a value to the club wanting to buy him, they have a value to our club too and that shouldn't be limited by whatever cheeky offer someone puts in. Also, I can never hear the name Carlo Van De Watering without thinking he's got one of the best names I've ever heard and it makes such a nice change to hear someone so articulate in the radio for us as a fan. We usually only get that when Loko is talking on behalf of the trust.
What if the player gets told by the agent of the said clubs interest and wants to leave? And he only has 1 year or even 6 months left on his contract? Does that force the clubs hand to sell? It did with Sam winnall.
Yes it does but then I'd say that that will change the situation from the club not really intending to sell the player to the club kind of needing to because the player wants to leave so the situation is different.
We inform said player & agent that if we receive a bid matching OUR valuation then we will happily accept, but until then we expect the player to honour his contract.
Yes. Unless there’s evidence that a Club has deliberately sold a player for less than another Club has offered.
But that's the thing the op is on about mads Anderson. On another thread it talking about fans buying into the club and clubs been run self sufficiently. For a club like ours to keep us going we can't let mads Anderson, Jordan Williams or anyone else of value leave for free. I've seen plenty of people saying we should keep them all and go for promotion but there's no gaurentees. I've seen people say 4 million or keep him. That's all well and good when it's not your money and your not the owners having to prop the club up every season with more cash.
We've just signed a centre back so I'd sell if a decent offer came in. The club will always sign new players. As long as they're o.k with Duff I'm not bothered who comes and goes.
I agree with ST Look at that player nicked from Wigan. Worth a hell of a lot more than what someone was "Willing to pay". It's just the circumstances dictated the club accepted a **** deal. We receive offers, we either accept or we don't. It's as simple as that. But let's not get away from historic sales, had our players been at another club, they would likely attracted a higher offer than what we historically accept. We are generally seen as pushovers. So this worth only what a club is willing to pay, in my eyes, is a pile of **** statement to make.
What that statement says to me is "our entire squad is up for sale. Make a bid, any bid, unless someone else bids higher he's yours" Even second hand tat in eBay has a reserve price but a lot of Barnsley fans think that footballers should be sold for whatever someone offers. makes zero sense.
But players are always not being sold despite offers having been received. Those players must by definition be worth more than other clubs are willing to pay.
It’s an old saying but is only relevant if you actively want rid. I’d argue the accurate saying should be ‘it’s only worth what you are willing to accept’
Your analogy is flawed as you won't be evicted from your house after 3 years if you choose not to sell it.
The club will have a valuation on the player that they would feel they have to accept. It might be lower than some would expect, as it was seemingly for Carlton Morris. It might be higher, like it was for Callum Brittain. But various factors will go into that valuation, with his actual playing ability not top of the list. The playing budget we are aiming for minus the budget we have (once other sales are factored in) will likely be the main one. If an offer is below that valuation, the club will turn it down, like they have done in the past.
Carlton Morris now worth 6 mil according to transfermarkt…. He was on at 1.5 when we let him go for undisclosed…. Not a bad bit of business for Luton,
But that’s not the most people are willing to pay. People are willing to pay what they actually cost. So that’s their value.