He will provided the big clubs get the right calls. As long as it’s not clear and obvious it’s all good.
Shock. Awarded for a poor performance. Yes there needs to be more respect for referees, but when they're being rewarded for such abject performances you can understand the frustration.
Dunno about on-field decisions being clear and obvious, but corruption in British football certainly is. It was a foregone conclusion - FA wanted Wednesday up, and I feel glad for Bolton fans as they didn't have to fall into that trap. I'm surprised they allowed Peterborough into the Play Offs over "whoever it is these days who owns Derby FC"
Yea...he will be cross examined like never before. Moving through the levels like that...he will attract the coaches and media hounding his every thought in every match. Hope he remembers to brush up on how and when to look atvthe VAR screen!
Call me a cynical 2hat but the words ''His reward'' springs to mind. Still think we should have requested the tape recordings from the conversation between Var and the referee during the game Might not do any good but it sure would make the barstewards in charge sweat....if they then went public
VAR not looking at the penalty shout and now a promotion to the top flight. We must be too hard on him not seeing what higher ups see in him.
Well I guess his get out clause is that the the VAR ref didn’t tell him that it was a clear and obvious error so no need to review, but I honestly think I would prefer a ref to take a look at major came changing decisions for a 2nd time for awarding the decision or not. We got the double whammy.
The FA are also proud to announce that Prince Andrew has been appointed head of child development and Vladimir Putin has proudly taken on the honorary role of international peace ambassador.
I honestly can't see a referee being corrupt as some on here have said. I just can't. The guy got some big decisions wrong and dug his heels in on them. However, what's he been like for the rest of his career? He may have been a Wednesday accomplice last week but I suspect it was bloody mindedness complicity rather than willing until I see more of his games
Two arguable decisions which could have gone either way. Let's face it, if the 'red card' tackle had been by a Wednesday player on one of ours we'd have expected a red to be brandished. Robinson will know that on any given week in the Prem fans of the side coming off worst will be moaning to high heaven. Be better not to give the referee the opportunity to make that decision.