It's more sensational for the papers to report she's been arrested and thus set off the rumour allegation Mill that the public buy In to and fuel, which many then believe she's guilty of, regardless of what's taking place. I'd hazard a guess that whilst yes she's been arrested. in reality if she's agreed with the police to be arrested, then this way, it saves a considerable amount of police time, it allows the police access to all her financial dealings without having to go to court to apply for different court orders, which then enable them access into all accounts and their contents and any transactions By doing so and agreeing to cooperate it goes in her favour. The press won't give that explanation as it doesn't help their narrative
She could agree to all that without the requirement for a formal arrest to be made. And she's being held in custody, did she agree to that as well do you think? If you think the stories are 'sensational' that's because they are. Not even the Tories have managed to reach such an extreme level of sleaze as to have their ex leader held in custody.
Agreed. History proves this point. But innocent until proven guilty. BTW Nicola has just been released without charge.
Was just going to post that It has helpfully bumped Bozo off being the lead story. Must just be coincidence
Definitely nowt to see at the mo. She, her husband and the treasurer were all arrested at one time, and as yet, none of em charged with anything. When and if that happens. Then is the time to fill yer boots so to speak.
What ? Am I missing summat. Last time i looked. she is still alive. As is her Husband. Brilliant act btw. Saw em as a second on the Bill act on a couple of occasions. Stealing the show.