Astonishing to think that this Parliament began with a triumphant Johnson returning with an 80-seat majority, but it ends with him not just being drummed out of No 10 but out of his own seat as well. And in between the two we had a misfit PM and Chancellor also being ousted after a mere five weeks. Anyone for a boring PM?
My ward in Norwich has a Tory vote share of 4%. Sadly we're surrounded by troglodytes elsewhere in the county.
you literally typed a sentence above. Here it is in case you forgot. “This is the English establishment doing their best to discredit anything Scottish. They have the fear“ Like you I can only go in what’s written here. Your words were a bit daft. I pointed that out.
I think you were a bit premature there Ian. These things are never done quickly. Arrested this afternoon. Not a good look really.
Doesn’t mean she is guilty. The police have been known to arrest innocent people Don’t think she has actually been charged yet
I don’t think so. Apparently there are 3 people in control of the funds, 2 have been questioned which just leaves NS.
I'm fairly sure that the Conservative Central Party has the final say on who does, or doesn't, get to stand as candidate in a by-election. There's very little chance of Johnson moving to another seat only to then be suspended immediately after a by-election because any suspension will still be outstanding even if Sunak is weak or stupid enough to allow Johnson to stand.