Third page of results and not one person complimented her for her job yet and yes 8 realise I haven't either
I didn't watch it but for what it's worth she looks lovely as always and no doubt did the professional job she usually does.
Didn’t watch last night so can’t comment on that as such. But from whenever I’ve seen her before I’ve always been impressed. She knows a lot about the sport, about journalism and is nice to look at. I don’t get why people seemingly have issues with her? Or maybe they actually don’t and just want to be controversial.
Actually me and someone else commented on her job ability..they may be replies saying we don't rate her as a pundit but they were comments on her ability and not her looks
Cheers. I think it's the warm weather. No joking aside I've been guilty of some extremely rude posts down the years. I never once stopped to think how they'd be interpreted until after I'd pressed enter.
Yve also bin guilty of some of the best " nudge nudge wink wink" moments av read on here and inspired others (me included) to add to the frivolity. think ive done the "que steven dawson" one more than most...still one of mi favourites you mate...
Just come back to this thread and whilst there is some misogyny higher up I dont think its wrong to say she looks great in that dress She is also one of my favourite football pundits What I did find strange is some newspapers and also social media there were critics saying she must be far too hot in it the sleeveless dress but not one person suggested that Dermot may be a bit hot with a long sleeved jacket and tie and long trousers - seems strange