Saudi Arabia are going to execute 6 young men for "crimes" they committed as minors, including such heinous crimes as attending sit-in protests and the funerals of those killed by security forces. They were denied a proper trial or access to legal representation and claim to have been tortured whilst detained. But still, what a fairytale them reaching the Champions League eh?
I'm afraid that apart from the bloke at Forest Green Rovers, owners don't appear to have many morals. Money talks
Why are you singling out Newcastle? The boxing industry is now a Saudi play thing (heavyweights). If the world cup was held in Saudi, I'm in no doubt that many people who condemned Newcastle when they took on Saudi owners would suddenly be scrambling for tickets. It's a strange world, and we're all complicit.
Genuine question because I’ve very little knowledge on the owners of Newcastle, is there a connection to what’s happening with these executions and the owners?
The club is owned by the Saudi Arabia Public Investment Fund, which is basically the country's (sovereign's) spending money. So Newcastle, no matter how much their fans/defenders fall over each other to say it isn't, is effectively funded by the Saudi state - the same state which is now, as it has done many times in the past, executing people for nothing.
I would imagine because they're a football club and this is primarily a football forum? Anyone in any industry that takes money from that regime is complicit in this and should be utterly ashamed. Which of course they won't be.
There are things in the real world we can affect and things we can't. Who knows where the petrol in your tank comes from? Saudi, Venezuela, USA? We do know some of it is from Saudi. But we can't just stop driving. The world would grind to a halt. It's not practical. Personally I really wish we didn't sell them arms. I'm not sure the lesser of two evils argument holds water. Pragmatically there are things we can do and things we can't. Highlighting the selling out of football and other sports to the Gulf states IS pragmatic and I'm fully in favour of calling out their evil deeds at every opportunity. Similarly with Israel. So yes, I'm happy and don't feel the least bit hypocritical in criticising them.
That's exactly my point. Football (like boxing) has accepted and aligned itself with Saudi. We all continue to pay into that industry as fans, and the authorities allowed it to happen in the first place. It isn't just a Newcastle issue, it's a football issue, and we all pay into it.
My answer to Jamo applies to this so won't repeat it. But basically Saudi has thrown a load of money at boxing to entice the best fighters and the best fights. It's the same as football in terms of sportswashing, minus the location of fixtures (many huge fights in the future will take place in Saudi due to the money on the table and Saudi being the highest bidder). Money talks, and football has allowed that Saudi money in.
They are buying every sport that lets them , the Saudi PIF gave Dustin Johnson more money to play on their LIV tour than it cost them to buy Newcastle, they’ve now bought the whole PGA and European Tour for a billion pounds ( to start with)
Could be wrong but I don't think USA produce much oil if any. And I dont think the f.a will do anything about Newcastles link with Saudi money talks sadly. Look at citeh
Sportswashing distorts football and tries to ‘whitewash’ the records of some pretty vile people. Newcastle and Man City are effectively owned by a nation. A very rich one at that. They commit regular atrocities at home that should bar them from any fit and proper person test. Chelsea was used by Abrahmovich for laundering mafia money. It’s all wrong.
Agreed, there's no chance the Prem will do anything. Literally all they care about is raking in as much cash as they possibly can.
Fair enough didn't think it would be so high with the Saudis having the biggest natural oil reserves in the world.