That's already been posted. There obviously can be no justification for executing under age kids. Where is it stated in full what each of these accused are supposed to have done?
Regardless of their "crime" I'm not sure I could justify the death penalty for anyone, especially as a minor. Some further info... Six of the seven young men were convicted of terrorism-related charges, including for taking part in anti-government protests or attending the funerals of those killed by security forces. The six young men sentenced to death are from the Shi’a minority, who routinely face discrimination and grossly unfair trials on vague and wide-ranging charges stemming from their opposition to the government. Yousef al-Manasif, who was between 15 and 18 years old at the time of the alleged offense, was sentenced to death by the Specialized Criminal Court (SCC) in November 2022. According to his charge sheet and verdict, which Amnesty International reviewed, al-Manasif was convicted on several charges including: “Seeking to disrupt the social fabric and national cohesion, and participating and inciting sit-ins and protests that disrupt the state’s cohesion and security.” His family said they were not allowed to see or visit him until over six months after his arrest, during which time they said he was held in solitary confinement. The appeals court upheld his sentence in March 2023. Another defendant, Abdullah al-Darazi, was 17 years old at the time of the alleged offence. Amongst other charges, he was convicted of “participating … in riots in al-Qatif, and chanting slogans against the state and causing chaos” and “attacking security officials with Molotov cocktails”. He told the court that he was held in pre-trial detention for three years and not allowed access to a lawyer throughout his investigations and pre-trial detention. According to his court documents, which Amnesty International reviewed, he told the judge: “I demand an independent medical evaluation to prove the torture that I have been subjected to…The records of the Dammam investigations unit hospital prove that I continue to be treated as a result of beatings on my ears during my interrogation, and I continue to call for a medical report on this.”
Well if a 15 year old had come round to my house and shot dead my wife and kids I might not be so upset if said kid ended up with the death penalty That's why it's prudent to know in full what the convicted kid might have done. To say that they've done summat trivial like going to a funeral, "amongst" or "along with" other stuff that isn't set out, might be leaving out the most heinous part of what they got up to. And every country has its own right to decide upon an age of criminal responsibility. All I'm doing is wanting the whole story from a reliable source. Then if it's really that bad, and they're killing kids for practically nowt, then in my opinion there's no excuse for any Toon fan to hide behind the government or the football authorities. They should stop supporting until they've got rid of any owners who are part of such a regime.
I don't support the death penalty. Nor does the law in this country. Whether the general population do or not is another thing. But I would not criticise the living family members for wanting my 15 year old dead
I don't understand how the wishes of a hypothetical victim's family are relevant to the policies of a state
It doesn't. The crimes are listed as being amongst other offences - there's no mention of what those offences were but I suppose they could be the murder of someone's wife and child.
No. Are you suggesting that it would be wrong for someone who has had all their family killed by someone to wish such person dead ?
Go back and read the thread. And then tell me what it is that you are taking issue with. Or better still, post some source beyond Amnesty International that fully explains what the condemned have got up to, if anything.
Not sure why Amnesty isn't good enough but... CNN Human Rights Watch
I'm taking issue with haughty responses such as "I wouldn't expect you to" when I asked how the wishes of an individual victim's family are relevant to the policy of the state. It's a condescending response along the lines of "oooh don't you know?" rather than actually engaging with the question.
Some would find the way that they report to be not exactly from the upper deck of the Clapham Omnibus tbh. Though their aims and aspirations are honourable. This article for example could have set out all the stuff to make someone like me feel fully informed but it doesn't. Which state should be executing minors? None obviously. But then each country has their own laws, and it's a matter of what someone has been found guilty of that determines the sentence, in that particular country.