The stark reality of age has finally caught up...the feet that tripped the light fantastic to Indeed I do and It'll never be over for me are now more likely to trip over the 1st step of the East Upper. The excitment from owt named Giggs is finding em to watch the match and the raging torrent of sexual desire has been replaced by a raging desire to waz every 30 minutes. Not to mention the ritual teeth cleaning that didn't involve leaving some of em in the bathroom at bedtime (this is assuming ah remember why am in the bedroom)....and what has brought on this blinding epiphany....Got mi 1st OAP payment this's official
It gets worse .... you actually start to count down the weeks and days to your next 4 weekly pension payout. And they come round too bloody quickly ! So much so that before too many more it'll be Christmas.
Hey 'Frank' kid (Skinner lol), dun't worry abaart it mate, just go with the flow ehh lol, and see what happens.
The doctors put me on viagra it's brilliant...stops me peeing on my slippers stops me rolling out of bed too ...don't get it stuck in your throat you'll end up with a stiff neck...when we go to see friends who live in a rough area I usually dissolve one in a drop or two of water and smear the paste on my eye lids makes me look hard When I take it, I think im James bond well I Roger Moore As for going to the toilet more and having accidents, that's got its positives, at least I no longer stick out like a sore thumb in the post office queue on a Monday morning ...I now smell of p1 ss like the rest of them Enjoy
Not as old as you.. ya old bugger.. but next month I move from middle age to old ba5'tardo, leave my 50s and hello 60
It's quite painless really. just make sure candles on ya cake dunt burn ya house darn....I spent mi 60th in Mach Pichu hence mi wishes for nxt month mate