Is'nt it about time they were scrapped. Also the shut down on Easter sunday that should be scrappef too.
Why, so you can do your weekly shop on a Sunday evening? Oh, you already can online. Or grab some essentials you need? Oh, you already can in sainsburys locals etc (open till 11pm). Or order something for the following day? Oh, you can online (amazon). Or fill up the car? You can. Or buy a takeaway. You can. Even my local chippy is open until late on a Sunday. I take it you've never worked in retail
Can say that about anything though. I can order a supermarket delivery at any time on a sunday, why is that different to going to a shop?
Because it's the one day in the week where certain supermarket workers can finish at a reasonable time. Why deny them that when there's already another option in place as you point out?
I work in retail and extending opening hours on Sunday would impact significantly on quality time with the families of the workers in stores and distribution. I would prefer that we follow the German model where stores still close on Sunday
Why shouldn't retail workers get Christmas Day,Boxing Day and Easter Sunday off ? Just because some people don't believe in Christmas and Easter ( and that's their choice) why should those said workers not get said days off to spend time with families? Many who won't see them all year if they live away or even near them.
I worked retail for many years including Sundays and I've never understood why they're treated different other than because of some outdated sense of duty to the magic sky man. I find the argument that it is unfair on retail workers a bizarre one too because what about the night shift for said retail? They dont get an easier work pattern just because the shops closed. The cleaners of meadowhall don't suddenly go home just because Argos has shut its doors, nor do the security guards. The restaurant workers don't all walk out at 4pm because the river island cashier has. In actual fact if they allowed stores to open longer hours on Sundays a lot of retail workers would benefit from much more flexible working hours. Football fans would be able to swap shifts easier and work more hours on Sunday than Saturday for example.
Night staff choose to work nights and get paid more money for it. As for your last point, if only that were true.. When I worked at Morrisons (03-05) my manager was constantly trying to get me to work Saturdays despite me having a season ticket and frequently going to away games because he was jealous that as a manager he had to work most Saturdays and he couldn't go to most games himself. He usually cornered me on my Sunday shift, ironically. Also, just because the store closed at 4 didn't mean we went home shortly after. We'd work an extra 4 hours to restock shelves, until 8pm when the night shift had come in early and stole all our wheels and pallets. Great days
That's the other thing I was going to point out. Most big stores just because the front door is locked doesn't mean the lights are off so really what is the difference? The retail staff aren't benefiting from the front door being locked if they're still inside restocking shelves. Also you're correct the night staff did choose to tak that job but likewise haven't the shop floor staff chosen to take that one too?
Don't even have to leave the house where I live. Co-op robots. Like terminator rise against the machines.