This thread is devoted specifically to stuff Martin Devaney has told you in supermarkets. Please can we set it up in a separate forum if the thread gets too big.
Not me personally but I once saw Martin sell Gareth Bale a large amount of dummies at his Southampton branch.
I asked him where the bacon was. He said "over there by the sausages. Barry Bannan is mullin over em if you look. Eats like a pig I've heard"
Somerfield in Levenshulme, 1985. Me, an impoverished student, young Martin out with his mam for the weekly shop. Definitely gave me the eyes when I pushed past his mam for the budget-range sliced white loaves.
He told me in the massive Tesco's in Stockport that they are going to rename all their large stores 'Disco Extra'.
I bumped into him in Lidl in Thurnscoe last Maundy Thursday and he told me he was extremely disappointed with the level of stock during Iberica week - he said he was disgusted at the lack of Basque Country produce and shall be shopping at Aldi going forwards read into that what you will
He told me not to bother paying for parking, at Home Bargains, Barnsley as, in his words ‘they never check’. Then had the audacity to stand pointing and laughing at me when I got a £60 fine!!! I only went in for a four pack of Y-fronts too.
He told me he also likes toast and every time he throws it up in the air or drops it , it never fails to land Butter side up
Saw him in Waitrose. He's a big fan of the traffic light food labelling system on their own brand goods. His salt intake has reduced by 17% this year. He also said him and Hecky used to sell fake FIFA Pro licences to a tall fella on a bike on the Trans Pennine trail. And Whitey nicks sandwiches from the staffroom fridge.
I saw him in the big Tesco with the travelator to the top floor, looking at - and you might hesitate to believe this - Disco Balls! We exchanged glances, him trying to plead with his eyes that they were for his kids, but I could tell they were for him, cos he was walking funny. Can't pull the wool over my eyes lad.