First of all I’d like to make it clear that Duff did an excellent job, turned round what seemed like a sloppy back room atmosphere, bordering on the unprofessional and honed us into a very different team from the one which was an embarrassment in the Championship. Helped, let’s not forget, by some great new players at this level - and the step down which helped a number already here which meant obviously we had one of the best teams in the league, perhaps making a play off place a par score in the end. However we fell at the final hurdle and the predictable has happened - Duff is off for the bright lights of South Wales, a tricky job imho - high expectations from their fans is no longer matched by largesse in the boardroom. Now I have no issue in theory with Duffs behaviour - I get it- as a manager often your stock is only high for a short period - look at Chris Wilder - his reputation is falling as fast as it went up! But it underlines the reason I’ve fallen out of love with football at this level and will not be buying another season ticket anytime soon. I stuck by the club during covid, didn’t request any refund or free games with my season ticket, figured I’d be helping them out during tough times, even though I only got to see Val’s team live once - ironically against Swansea. How was that loyalty repaid? Well Val was off and we got the absolute dog sht just in time to be allowed to suffer it in person. Now I know “it’s not the clubs fault” per-se that Val left or Duff, Struber, Hecky or Wilson or little Lee or all the others that went to better clubs rather then sacked, but that doesn’t alter the fact that managers seem to last about a year if they’re any good - which means you are buying a season ticket almost guaranteed that the manager is going to change at least once in that time frame. Telling me it’s just how it is and that there’s more important things in life doesn’t compensate for the soul destroying hell of Schopp and the PE teacher, and the knowledge that when someone good does come along they’ll be poached before your next season ticket has even been used and you’re risking the **** take year we were forced to endure after Val. So the best strategy for me was to leave it alone last season and not get as emotionally invested, I didn’t even go to Wembley based on not wanting to go through that, just to lose and have our manager poached. So it doesn’t hurt so much, I can laugh at Duff’s bullcr@p about not being here for 5 minutes and projects, because it didn’t fool me into thinking things could be different this time. I know all the arguments- “would you stay in a job for less Money?” blah, blah, blah, fine, but don’t expect me to engage with any propaganda around the next manager or any manager thereafter. Good luck to him and to whoever we get to replace him, because Barnsley fans deserve better then whatever this situation is we end up in every regardless of who’s “fault” it may or may not be.
All the best Michael, thanks for a memorable season. It's a shame you couldn't stick around for longer. That's modern football I guess.
F him and his BS about long haul. Don't you dare let him give a statement on our website or social media channels.
So Duff was aware of interest from quite a while ago? I wonder if he communicated that with the club so we really could start the process of finding someone. Probably not.
He’s already been quoted in the official statement, “it’s been amazing, didn’t go for the money honestly….c-ya!”
Decent statement from BFC. The board did their best with an early improved contract offer but it sounds like he knew he was off even before the end of the season. ah well time for new heroes
Just seen it....What an embarrassment FFS. What a laughing stock we are that a guy who lied about being in it for the long haul is given the chance to say shallow and cheap words.
I can't think of any other club who has had as many problems keeping a manager in recent times though - perhaps except Watford who sack theirs. Coventry, Cambridge, Bolton, Stockport, Plymouth, PNE, Ipswich have all been able to retain their managers. There has to be something cultural that feeds it at Barnsley and it's important to change it. We won't achieve sustained success i.e. established in the championship unless we do imo.
interesting comments about the board matching his ambition. I dunno perhaps I’m reading into it too much
I'd like to thank him for his half hearted job at Barnsley. Wish him the best of bad luck next season and a fun filled relegation. In it for the duration BS he quoted. Sithi.