Am same. Took a season out pissed off with conman and Lee and how the club was run. I can't blame the board for Duff going but I hope that big news is big.
Just wish he hadn't come out with all the bull **** when joined about a long term project. He had 4 seasons at Cheltenham and prior to that had been at very few clubs across his playing and managerial career. Questions should be asked about how and why we lose head coaches so quickly after the first sign of success.
i can’t believe they let him make that lengthy stomach churning statement have they got no common sense?
Let’s stop putting money grubbing clauses in managers contracts might be a start? Either a manager wants the job or they don’t. There’s approx 9,000 at Oakwell that ; although totally under qualified, would run through brick walls to land that job. Start showing the position the bloody respect it deserves.
Possibly. And I know its happened before - I'm not daft. It just causes a disconnect. I can't seem to get behind anyone, because deep down I know they're off in the next 12 months. I understand the situation, but it still disappoints me.
Such a contradiction between Duff's words when he joined and his words now he's left. He arrives and makes a massive deal of his loyalty record and he states he's not here for just 5 minutes or some fly by night. Then his statement now makes it feel that fans should be grateful that he remained focused until the end of the season. He arrived at a club that wasn't expecting to go straight back up and he must have anticipated being at Oakwell for least 2 seasons. Yet he's gone at the first opportunity as its 'right for his career'. For what it's worth, I don't blame the owners for believing what Duff told them about being fully on board
They said they tried to keep him but they CAN'T make him stay,what in your opinion do you think they should have done just as a matter of interest? It's not a criticism of you.
Totally agree with this. We need continuity. As soon as we agreed to the clause we had given any chance of that away
Maybe he thought I have to get promotion to improve on Wembley nows the time to go. He says its not money motivated but he's hardly going to say it is.
That is true, but it’s down to years of self infliction! We are the softest touch in the football league!
Yep, I thought the same. Mentioned it ain't about money but then in the next sentence says this is a natural progressions for him. Good riddance, really gone down in my estimation. I don't even know why we let him make a statement.
“This decision was not money-orientated. The board at Barnsley did everything in their power to make me commit to the club on an extended contract, but I am an ambitious character and after taking stock in the summer felt that this opportunity was the next natural step in my career". Is that an inference that the club don't match his ambitions?
That's the way I've looked at it for the past 10 years, no longer get attached. It's like going to a swingers party, Stephen Dawson's told me.
My own initial assessment of what Duff said is he had his head turned before the season even finished....**** him
Shouldn't have gone for him then. If joining js takes a paltry release clause to get given the chance then F him.
Disappointed with this and Mike Duff’s decision. Twelve months in any job is no time at all, and in whatever profession quick to be b***ering off somewhere else. I rate him as a manager, but perhaps now less as a person. I also think Swansea is a poisoned chalice where he’ll do well to come out reputation enhanced, whereas next year with us I think there’d be another promotion on his CV. Hopefully we make the right choice for the next year (maybe two!) and our club.
No it's a fair point. Maybe this time last year, they don't even discuss a release clause. He obviously wouldn't have agreed to join us back then, so you move onto the next candidate. Appoint someone who wants to be here, rather than someone who sees it as a stepping stone. Maybe I'm being naive, but if people will only join us if there's a release clause, then I wouldn't entertain them.