Occasionally there's a reference to 'Showing your a*** on the Town Hall Steps.' Where has the saying come from and has the deed ever been done?
Don’t know exactly when/where the saying come from, but I’ve heard it for as long as I can remember and I’m 63, obviously referencing to something/ an event that will never/ highly unlikely to ever happen.
Can't remember who it was who made the promise, but he was going to perform the deed if we signed Stephen McPhail some years ago.
Maybe it was Barnsley FC who started it in 1912. Along the lines of "we'll show our ass on the town hall steps if we won the Cup". They promptly did, and old Amos the donkey was paraded in front of the building for all to see.
Deed done when we went up to the Premiership...I will show my bare Ar5e famous last words ..and did on the Sunday morning...about 20 folk mainly woman held me accountable...police officer who came by laughed and said 1st of many I bet and went on his way ....video taped ....
Amos was the 'nickname' of the guy ON the donkey - not sure of his first name but his surname was Riley.
i seem to remember a middlesbro player saying something similar about them and his team mates holding him to it ( may have been burtons window)
Used to happen every Friday and Saturday night in the 70’s there was always someone dropping their keks outside Town Hall
as far as I know I've never seen your a*** and I'd guess it's maybe er sagged a bit since 1997 - However would you be up for a reprise (is that the right word?) when the Reds coast into the Championship next May - as our dear friends down the road crash into Division 1 ?
Showed mine on the top of the headgear at Elsecar main colliery. Fitters and sparkies admiring the view. Cant member what I'd claimed though.
S. DAWSON as you follow this thread my guess is you have an urge to illustrate it with your nether regions - please don't - it may frighten the horses!