Their leader must have realised they were coming for him, and is now hoping to trigger a wider rebellion. Things could get very interesting if any regular Russian units turn.
Apparently it’s just ‘a march for justice’. I think that’s his version of ‘a special military operation’.
Correct! Although I've still got loads of friends, colleagues and family members who are. Luckily St Petersburg is geographically quite far flung, but this has the potential to be very bad, at least in the short term. We were supposed to be going back there at the end of July for a few weeks. May have to put that one on hold...
Mate, it's such a beautiful city - always regret that we didn't manage a meet-up in 2018. I think we crossed paths for the England SF!! Always thought I'd bring the missus to StP for a break, but could be some time before we manage that.
Very awkward speech from Putin there, if the translation is accurate. Still can’t bring himself to name Prigozhin or the Wagner Group cos that will be another nail in his coffin.
How do you get back there? Assuming it isn't a direct flight in the current climate? And is it difficult to get out?
The wife and I have fancied going to St.P for 20 years but it never felt right to do so for the same reasons that are becoming manifest to all now. Would have had to be from a cruise ship too as the hotel room rates were always ridiculous from what I saw.
So Wagner have 50k troops which includes 40k convicts. Where the Russian army is 1.2 million with 2 million reservists.
Seems like a good excuse to conscript some more soldiers and eliminate the convicts who let’s be honest, always had a good chance of going rogue. Would be surprised to see more people join his movement though either.
Wagner Group on the march to Moscow, Russian army allowing them to pass… wonder if Putin is worried yet.
Be careful what you wish for with this. Whatever the outcome, Russia will undoubtedly become more autocratic and nationalistic.
The only plus side is that it may bring an end to conflict in Ukraine and may also split Russia which will weaken it over all.
I said exactly the same my mrs this morning…she rolled her eyes and said “you’ve just admitted to watching the xfactor”
Problem for Putin is that significant numbers of his best troops are in Ukraine. If reports *are* correct the ones in Russia so far have just stepped aside for Wagner.