Overpriced and really awful. There isn't one thing online to buy that anyone should be thinking of buying. Merchandise could be a huge revenue stream for the club if they got replica kits out much earlier and improved greatly the casualwear.
That's it. I was just looking for that one item to potentially buy, but I couldn't find it sadly. I really liked some of the retro pieces the club put out last year, especially the drill top. But this stuff is just generic and unimaginative to me. A shame really, missed opportunity.
I think I would rather be seen in Blackpool seafront tat like t shirts with Prime (as in the energy drink not Amazon) and Tik Tok on them.
I wouldn't go that far mate Have you seen the vids of those wallies who travel from far and wide to that newsagents in Wakefield to pay hundreds for a can of Prime, and for what? To upload it to the gram? What a world
Never tried Prime. Wouldn't pay the price to see what the fuss is about. I will ruin my health with Red Bull, Lucozade original, and Monster instead
I drink Lucozade Sport when playing 7-a-side, occasionally Lucozade Original though it gives me heart palpitations! Only touched red bull first time I got drunk (mixed with vodka and then the red bull ran out), and never had monster. Lucozade is enough
How much? £26 for a shi.te plain t shirt with a printed logo? £55 for a hoody? If it’s good quality it’s still quite expensive. Looks like the stuff you get from primark that lasts two washes though.