Didn't have to be locked away. Although i think should have been. Surely well out of reach of a 2yr old would have sufficed. Not sure why the child should have been able to get hold of it. and why was the magazine in the gun. May not be bad parents but totally irresponsible.:-- During their search, detectives seized an additional 12-round magazine for the pistol that the 2-year-old had gotten hold of in a nightstand in the master bedroom. They also discovered a Mossberg 12-gauge shotgun with six rounds in the master bedroom closet and an airsoft rifle in the computer room closet.
It's a whole culture difference and it's so ingrained into America society. I don't blame her at all and it may make her feel safer. It's such a different mindset. Here is some consequence from the Roe v Wade ruling. https://news.sky.com/story/roe-v-wa...life-under-the-uss-new-abortion-laws-12906930
Mrs C sends me links to such stories regularly. I wouldn’t say she lives in the most dangerous part of America, but there is a dangerous history, just like anywhere else. And whilst it’s massively democrat & sane, there is a radical nutter element too.. & she usually finds herself next to a redneck when queuing to vote. Sod’s law..
Never said they were bad mate but certainly their safety about the house left a lot to be desired. Loaded guns needed locked away to prevent such tragic endings. Again such a tragedy which could so easily have been avoided.
Isn't that like saying you should carry one around with you all the time. Which most apparently don't. David Hemenway, who led the Harvard research, argues that the risks of owning a gun outweigh the benefits of having one in the rare case where you might need to defend yourself. "The average person ... has basically no chance in their lifetime ever to use a gun in self-defense," he tells Here & Now's Robin Young. "But ... every day, they have a chance to use the gun inappropriately. They have a chance, they get angry. They get scared."
Yes that's sort of my point. A lot of the pro gun stance is around "self defence" but if you lock them away it can hardly be for self defence. Now the reality is its nothing to do with self defence it's just because they want guns.
Iam afraid its like a lot of people who sit children on their knees in front of cars, dogs in front of cars ,they don't think anything can happen but sadly it does.
On average someone dies every 17 hours after being accidentally shot in America and guns are the biggest cause of death for children