Just spent a good couple of hours at Elsecar Heritage Centre eating some gorgeous food, consuming a couple of alcoholic beverages and listening to some decent live music. Free entry and they hold one every month. Just what the doctor ordered after how this week's turned out.
Its great isnt it. I don't understand why they don't do one in town - somewhere thousands of people can get to easily instead of Elsecar. I know they tried opening a beer only venue off Wellington Street but it didn't work out because it was out the way and there are too many neanderthals that only drink Carling that frequent that area, but ffs at least give it a go.
It would be good if they could get it in the new area where the food festival was recently. Run it once a month from May to September with local bands and food stalls.
We used to go regular, but tbh the pub turns started doing my head in. Way too loud. I don’t really want to have to shout over Arctic monkeys and killers covers, when I’m trying to have a chat over a pint.
Nightmare innit. It's a nice afternoon but fck me, if you have a bit of snap then you need to rent a few houses out to cover the losses.
Took a train to Elsecar today. Popped to the Heritage Centre for a loo stop. Then walked to Tankersley, then walked to Chapeltown. 8 miles. Had a pint in the Wetherspoons in Chap. Safe to say I feel like I’ve got the order all wrong! Doh!
Spent an hour talking young un out of a £15 bit of steak and chips knowing full well he'll only eat a third of it.....
Real ale = Dog p155. = Beer = pale ale In fact I'd go for Dog pi55 over it. (Dont hold me to that you real ale drinkers ) Should have stuck this on Supertykes thread. (Things that dont appeal lol.)
Ever thought it might be because they served Beer only. If you're among mates for example. how many would would sup beer. ? Your last coouple of lines answered your question for you. If they'd sold some lager/cider/spirits etc. among the many offerings of beer would it have not helped to keep it open. Not everyone likes beer. Including yours truly. Dont drink carling btw unless it's the only lager on offer.
I know one of their regular street food traders and he puts his prices up by £5 per item when he goes there.
Not a big fan mate but would/do sup it on the rare/odd occasion. Unless it was scrumpy I could only just about force that down if desperate. And would go along with others if that was the case.
Scrumpy - wtf is it. Once got a couple of litres in a screen wash type bottle ; should have supped screen wash, I'm sure it would have tasted better. Still, I believe they like that sort of stuff in Gloucestershire.