The right head coach could make a real player out of this lad. Had us on the edge of our seats a few times in his brief cameos last season. Hell of a throw in on him too. (Although I think I read that they are banning throw in takers from using towels next season which is odd when you think of all the other things that need cutting out of the game!!!)
Definitely could be a player in there. Has the raw ingredients, but I do think he'll need a fair bit of coaching. His positional sense and workrate were miles behind Cadden on the other side, from what I saw. Completely threw our shape.
Completely agree. Going forward on the ball when he had possession he looked excellent. Getting back and getting in the right defensive positions were a different story... definitely a player there though
This is the thing with a change of manager. While the regulars may see it as a blow quite a few of the squad should see it as a chance to impress someone new a d make themselves a regular. If they don't maybe footballs not for them
Absolutely agree with the title of the thread. I was bemused with some of the outsiders not a cat in hells chance of getting in,and some of the players not even putting a shift in.
No two coaches are alike so not many players are "safe". As long as the "First Eleven" are willing to fight for a place under the new Head Coach we'll be ok. Those that aren't should show their hands now and be prepared to take what comes or. flounce off into the sunset.