The Athletic have done a new article on the abuse he faces around the football grounds and naturally due to the investigation against us and the subsequent fines after, we have a few mentions in there. "In terms of how it might unfold, it might be worth considering the case involving Barnsley three years ago. The South Yorkshire club were fined £20,000 and instructed to put in place an “action plan”, including an anti-discrimination task force and a diversity education programme, in the hope of avoiding a repeat. One detail to emerge from the commission’s report from that case was that Barnsley’s deputy safety officer at the time told the match officials: “He’s a professional footballer. He should be used to it by now” — a statement that the commission said they found unacceptable." We've implemented an action plan for when such incidents occur ourselves (such as the anti-IRA/we all hate Leeds song) but it was interesting to read about the deputy safety officers comments, didn't really help to cast us in a good light at all. He'll be visiting Oakwell again this season with Wigan, I hope us and him are on better behaviour when that occurs.
This explains the constant reminder to fans everytime there is a round of anything anti IRA. Just in regards to your last sentence, I don't recall McClean ever acting particularly poorly when he's come to Oakwell. He's certainly been singled out due to his heritage and beliefs by our support, but I wouldn't say he's warranted or instigated that.
If thats the attitude of the safety officer its no wonder you still hear disgusting chants and racism.
Not defending anyone in these unsavoury incidents but let's not forget the Balaclava one in front of his son that he got fined for by Stoke city. “Stoke City can confirm that, following an internal disciplinary review, disciplinary action has been taken against James McClean for an inappropriate social media post,” read a club statement on Friday. “McClean has been fined two weeks’ wages by the club and has also agreed to delete his Instagram account. The player has expressed contrition and recognises that the post was ill-advised and offensive.”
I'm absolutely not condoning his behaviour either. Although the one thing we can do as Barnsley fans, is conduct ourselves with more class. He didn't provoke anyone during the incident mentioned in the OP, and hopefully there won't be any need to remind anyone of inappropriate chanting when we play Wigan. With the announcements over the tannoy will only highlight anything untoward too.
Utterly Bizzare. Imagine in the 60s "Dad I'm interested in the history of the war. But do you really need to wear an SS/terrorist hat."
Aye, that's the real issue. It's kinda like the whole, 'I can't be racist because I have a black mate' defence.
Anyone who hasn't, should watch Once Upon a Time in Northern Ireland on iPlayer, actually makes the "troubles" real and how it effected both sides, maybe people would understand why JM doesn't feel like he needs to sing the nation anthem of GB or wear a poppy without being subject to a load of sectarian nonsense from people who don't know jack-all about the actual conflict?
It's a great watch , and shows the failings of both parties. Very sad will take centuries to move on from.
He went out of his way to be controversial. Fair enough with the poppy thing but on his last Remembrance Day visit he stood 5 yards away from his team mates and purposely turned his back on the bugler. For someone who hates this country, he's earned a good living from us.
I totally get that baz and understand his viewpoint. But people do indeed need to move on as you say. 'Remembrance in the UK today is very different than it was 100 years ago. People take part whatever their political or religious beliefs. The poppy remains a humble, poignant symbol of Remembrance and hope'. And that's how I see it. He'd do well to note that. And remember the thousands that have died from his own country on either side of the divide. Neither have been innocent nor the British Army of the time.
But that would involve people making an effort in order to understand. Blind prejudice is much easier.
I honestly take issue with remarks such as this. I'm not for a moment suggesting you know nothing about Derry or its history, but it might be worth watching the documentary mentioned above in order to further improve your insight. Furthermore, as a pretty regular visitor to Derry, I can assure you that they do not hate the people of this country.
He's an awful individual, the sooner he retires the better, he loves playing the victim but courts controversy.
I didn't appreciate the way he conducted himself on poppy day. Disrespect 100% to fhe brave thousands who fought to enable democracy in this country. His views on the conflict in Ireland was nothing to do with respecting the ones that gave their lives in wartime .