McCleans character & behaviour isn’t the point. Our supporters should be more concerned about their own conduct..
Tbf Mr C so should he. Given he's decided to talk on the subject. I dont think anyone is not concerned about our supporters conduct (other than those who don't give a toss). That's a given.
I don’t disagree mate, but that’s another discussion. This is about us & not getting slapped with hefty fines & a bad reputation..
McClean comes across badly like he is trying to provoke a reaction. A section of our fans come across badly because they are uneducated, intolerant scum. Both can be true.
That song was written about the old Irish war of independence. Not the modern day drug smugglers. I do think he rams his views down people's throat though. It ain't normal banging a photo on insta, dressing up as the ira in front of your children.
Well said. At the end of the day he lost friends in the Troubles. He was born on that side of the fence and he doesn't want to wear a poppy, why would he when he identifies with the Irish republicans? The IRA song is stupid and outdated. The world has moved on. Same applies to Celtic/Rangers division (especially those who stoke the fire who have absolutely nothing to do with either club). Pathetic.
It always shocks me how people in England have no idea of their own history, or what the poppy stands for. Bit of a newsflash here for you Bazza, but Britain fought more than one war, and you weren't always the good guys.
Has allus been the case re our own fans. But I also know its older generations that egg the yung uns on so to speak. Scab chant IRA song Pretty sure I heard the Harry Robert's one sung not all that long back. (Abhorrent lyrics if not aware) Get the ringleaders sorted and the rest will sort themselves. The leeds scum one will be difficult to go away as it's seen as pretty harmless and taken with a pinch of salt. Every club in the country would get fined for that one. Btw. Millwall are up for a fine relating to their fans giving Mcclean grief last season.
Never said they did. If you read my comments again they refer only to James McClean. The bloke goes out of his way to be controversial and if you can't see that, that's your problem. I dont condone any sectarian chanting whatsoever and I have absolutely no problem with him refusing to wear a poppy or wearing a shirt with a poppy. He may have had relatives who were affected by Bloody Sunday even though he was born at least a decade after. That's not the issue people have with him. It was the "Look at me" attitude he showed at Oakwell by clearly standing well away from his team mates with his back turned and his pro IRA tweets that annoy people.
Taking everything else out of the equation, that’s an absolutely ridiculous thing for the BFC Safety bloke to come out with. Totally unacceptable.
And what about this comment from our safety officer, " “He’s a professional footballer. He should be used to it by now”. Seriously, and then people wonder why BFC have the reputation they do. I really hope this person is no longer employed by the club.
It is dated as you say but is still sung today Because it specifically takes the Republican view of the Civil War and looks forward to a resumption of armed actions and to an Ireland led by the IRA, the song is associated with physical force Irish republicanism. It is often sung at Republican gatherings.
Wasnt employed by the club but an external organisation. (We got fined £20k.) Who put him on a course. Don't know if he still operates that position but wasn't dismissed. And latest I can work out the club would take heed of the efl's recommendation. 2020. Four Four Two website at the time. Referee Jeremy Simpson reported the “unacceptable and inappropriate” comment to the Barnsley secretary and xxxxx has been warned by his employers – an external organisation used by the club – over his conduct and instructed to undertake an equality and diversity course for re-education On the other hand McClean offered an apology for his offensive. ill thought actions got fined . And is still in employment. Maybe the Efl should have stepped in on that one as well instead of leaving it to the clubs. Stoke and Middlesbrough being 2. . Shades of the England and Wales cricket board.
No problems with him not singing the anthem , wearing a poppy etc. I'm of Irish descent and a few of my relatives were involved with some of the fighting against the British. There were atrocities on both sides of the conflict but I think McClean dressing in a balaclava to teach his kids about Irish history and then posting the picture on Social media was ill judged to say the least
He doesn't have to wear a Poppy and as a person who as served 34 years he shouldn't be singled out for it, it's a choice and it's is choice not to wear one, he didn't help himself with the Balaclava thing bigging up a terrorist organisation, he knew 100% how that would have played out and got everything he deserved ref that post, but like I said he shouldn't be called out for not wearing a Poppy, many Irish died in both wars it's more of a anti British/ English stance he makes.
Oh by the way I didn't go to the Falklands or France , or Buma or either did I instruct the army r to go in. So the you should say that ,the politicians who get it wrong loads.
Maybe he thinks he's owed it? Not sure what the best thing would have been regarding the remembrance day visit, come onto the pitch after it finished? Also hadn't he recently been diagnosed with autism? Might explain rhe more black and white stance that he takes,
Phew......saw the thread title and thought we better not be signing him! He's a còckend, always plays the victim despite continually acting in a purposefully antagonistic manner, courts controversy. But our safety officer was a bit dim, lots of folk might actually privately think what he said, but you don't go saying it out loud in an official capacity.