Took a long time to get out to Thurnscoe back in the day. Probably only just made it back to the station.
I got on at the stop before above the Station Hotel (Inn?) On match days they put two buses on and both were rammed down to the door. On one of the buses there was a really big lad who would stand down by the driver.
Most likely the Clippy Mick Lukey built like a brick sh 1t house...I recall a tale the lads would tell about big Mick....he was once working an open back decker coming down regent Street in Barnsley it got to the bottom a bloke says, am I OK to jump off here pal, instead of waiting to get off down Midland Street ...Mick said no.. but the bloke jumped of regardless...without further to do Big Mick grabbed hold of the centre pole with his right hand leaned away from the bus grabbed the bloke by the scruff of his jacket collar and as calm as you like, lifted him back on to the bus with the blokes legs still running in the air .... with words ringing in his ears '' when I say No I mean No, OK Lol
Roll along Larrat Pepper roll along. Roll along Larrat Pepper roll along there’s a puncture in the tyre And the F***ing thing’s on fire Roll along Larrat Pepper roll along.
I think the last bus was at 11.45. I caught it back to Wombwell after visiting my girlfriend, now wife of 52 years, at Carlecotes near Dunford Bridge 1969-71. It was the old Thomas Burrows Leeds-Rawmarsh route which Tracky took over around 1966. My Dad worked at Burrows until 66 and then at Tracky. .
I don't remember that one. Then again we didn't move to Kendray until the early 70s. I remember that end of town was better served for last buses than Athersley. I suppose it didn't help that Tracky didn't have a bus depot over that way.
Knew has in the past or Knew as he's passed to spirit Eddie...either way I agree a lovely gentle jovial giant of a man....
Stuck in Barnsley one Sunday at 300am , I decided to steal a bus to get home. When I saw that the Lundwood bus was parked right at the back of the garage, I decided not to bother!