So BMW and Nike don't come out with new designs? They'd soon go out of business if they didn't. Maybe you're talking about their logo which is a completely different argument.
When yer a fan irrespective of whats on the shirt, you buy it for the love of the club, and its worn with pride, C,O,Y,R,
That remains to be seen. If it sells as many as last year, no harm done. If it sells less, big mistake. But I think this will be a big success one way or another. I’ll be buying a couple. One to wear, one to put away for years to come. My lad prefers the black one so he’ll be getting that one.
I like the black one too even though it looks like a refs kit. I think there will some value in it having the Toby Tyke badge.
1 i’m thinking that it could generate a few sales in USA, and a few shirt collectors. Granted it won’t be many, but it’s different so it will generate plenty of interest.
Well, keep an eye out an M&M Direct come April time. They always sell off the puma shirts that haven’t sold. If this shirt is on there I’ll eat my hat.
Generating publicity and interest is great, not necessarily so great when it comes from making yourself a laughing stock.
Imho its one of the great divide on opinion shirts. I hated it first time round and like it less this time. Its a bit like getting married in something trendy (suit) and a few years later thinking....what the hell was i thinking! Looking at it again, its the stars on the shirt that cheapens the look for me...I'm all for a bit of innovative design, like it would look ok on a darts player. I didn't mind the year we had a white vertical stripe down one side and would even be ok with diagonal lines from top to bottom or small white and say black stripes around the breast...sorry not for me. I think I actually designed better kits for barnsley on PES on the Playstation a few years ago.
What i dont get is when the worst shirt we`ve ever had crops up, the star one comes top of the list,so why would you model a new shirt on it.?
Is that the section of the wardrobe that includes peppermint Oxford Bags, the Timmy Mallett rainbow tank top, the Chris Waddle Mullet wig, the two tone platform shoes, the light blue Safari suit and those jeans where the arse hangs down to leave room for the Pampers?... saying to the grandkids, 'yes I know it looks like worthless tat now, but we really did wear this stuff' Only joking BTW.