We are a selling club though. Players, coaches or general staff will see us a place to develop and use as a stepping stone. It’s our place in the food chain of English football. Barring a few teams, most teams are selling clubs. I also do doubt Peterborough would’ve got more. They might have said it was more but doesn’t mean that’s actually what they got. For what it’s worth, I think £3 million (if true) is a very good figure for a League 1 defender with only a year left on his contract.
I've heard this loads of times about Peterborough, bigging up how much they get for their players. I know nowt about accounting, so I genuinely don't know, but how can they do this? Don't their accounts have to show how much they've made on player sales?
What I've heard is only just half of the figure mentioned on this thread up front, with a load of add ons. I hope it's not mainly based on Luton staying up...
I also know nothing but I think when the accounts are published, that’s when it’s found out that they exaggerated the figures at the time of sale.
Right. Seems like a weird strategy. Almost entirely contradicts all the reasons why teams used 'undisclosed'...but without the actual money! Seems to work though, whatever their reasons. £1m profit reported last year (I think?) and an absolutely ridiculous ability to find 20-goal strikers, year in year out. Still constantly find themselves Champ/Lg 1 though.
The player still has a say. If a club from the championship for example offered more. He can turn it down. Due to lower status even if he's offered more money in wages. So many obstacles. Can stand in the way.
They do seem to love a multi million pound striker whereas we like our centre halves. Together we’d make a tidy profit! If that actually exists in football.
Happy with £3m if that's the figure. Probably be down to 500k on here in 2 years time once the BBS whispers start.
Yeah I guess. My personal take on this is that he's absolutely earned the right to his move, and who are we to deny him a shot at the PL? He may never get another. I also think £3m for a 3rd Division player who would go for nothing at the end of the season, is very good business. There's only 1 other League 1 centre-half that's gone for more money, and only 5 other players have ever gone for more than £1m. So to say he's gone for 'peanuts' just isn't true.
If the fee is £3m, I really can't see how you can call it peanuts. Given the financial state of the club, the remaining time on Mads contract, and the fact that he's moved to a PL club without top flight or international experience, £3m is a lot of money.
You are right with your comments but I do find this constant comparing of us to Peterboro who somehow are put up on a plateau as the model to follow nauseating , they never ever progress , if they are the model to follow why do they never move forward ? I suggest they have a chairman who likes to put on a positive spin on transfers as a way of keeping fans on board but the truth is for all this abundance of transfer profits they have spent most of their time in the bottom two leagues occasionally dipping their toes in the championship & never getting anywhere near the premier league , clubs to admire are such as Brentford & Luton & certainly not Peterboro .
I'm sure someone on here once looked into their accounts (probably @Archerfield) and determined that they weren't receiving anywhere near a lot of the fees they said. For example, I think the fee quoted for Ivan Toney was £15m at the time, but it transpired they'd only receive that amount if he meets several targets at Brentford that are quite unrealistic, and they've only actually received about £4m for him in reality.
There's a serious point here. Football is corrupt. We all know it. Money coming in from who knows where to bankroll clubs. Cheating on a monumental scale. Until transfer fees and wages and are open source it will remain so. The status quo hurts a club like ours who operate within the rules. They should be pushing to make finances transparent. It's the only way we'll ever get a level playing field. We're just adhering to practices that benefit the cheats. We should do everything in our power to change it not just do what every body else does. Teams like us and Luton could make a change.
Hate undisclosed fees. Other clubs will know how much we got through their contacts. It's only the lifeblood of the club, the fans, that are kept in the dark.
Thanks @Archey The truth outs pretty quickly, not always possible to break it down to individual players but the accounts will clearly set out total transfer receipts and fees paid. Take for example Peterborough's transfer dealings that included the sale of Ivan Toney for the year to June 2021. Total fees paid were £2.35m split between Johnson Clarke- Harris and Sammie Szmodics. Fee received for Toney £5.005m. Regardless of the payment terms the accounts have to show the value excluding any contingent payments. There maybe add ons to the Toney deal but these will be contingent on him achieving certain targets.
I think the manager at the time put £20m on his head. Dont know whether true or not. But if he's overstating. I hope the taxman knows. Peterborough United chairman Darragh MacAnthony has revealed the Ivan Toney transfer to Brentford has already been worth close to £10 million. The original fee was £6 million with add ons for goals scored, a Brentford promotion from the Championship and their subsequent survival in the Premier League.
I get frustrated when we sell players for peanuts, but this isn’t that. 1 year left, defender, league 1. £3m is a good price. It also might give us some breathing room to not have to flog Connell etc on the cheap.
Undisclosed fee…. Other clubs find out and put any players were interested in price upI’m sure Patrick Cryne instigated this policy….get the cash spent BarnsleyFC
Finances are transparent , there is nothing to stop you looking at the annual balance sheet , I don"t get this need to know obsession , both clubs have not announced the fee & rarely does any fee get announced although you sometimes get outrageous speculation of top flight deals in the press . There are many reasons why the fees are not made public & most fall into the common sense bracket & regarding making wages public I do not see why they should, there is a column on the balance sheet will show collective expenditure on wages , employees personal salaries are just that , they are personal & should remain so.