Make that 6. Rumour has it Roy Keane was interviewed at the end of last week, wanted to rip up the training pitches and lay concrete to toughen the lads up (he also wanted to immediately scrap the new stars shirt, dismissing it in his typically charismatic way as 'nonsense.') Things went from bad to worse when Khaled got his timings mixed up. In a hastily-arranged last minute interview, just as Keane was preparing to leave, who comes round the corner but big Mick McCarthy! There were no witnesses but apparently Keano and McCarthy came to fisticuffs on Grove Street! There'll be a big reveal in this week's Chron. Doug O'Kane is putting the finishing touches to the big front-page story, under the guidance and advice from Julie Ann, who has insisted we keep things positive in this sea of uncertainty. Rumour has it Keane and McCarthy are appearing before Barnsley Magistrates in the next couple of days, in a rerun of their 2002 fracas. News outlets in the Republic of Ireland are following the story with interest (apparantly someone on Grove Street got wind of it and leaked it to the Daily Shamrock). It's all been kept under wraps, but someone told me last night in the old number 7. IDST.
Agree totally. We’re still in L1, so our budget has to be realistic. But we’re also an attractive proposition and will be one of the favourites to go up again this season. We’re a decent proposition for the right manager - hence why Duff came to us. We have to have faith in the new board.
If Wilder want too much money ,f%^& him if Moore wants to bring his team in mob handed f %$# him but its all speculation. There's no panic yet ,let them take time and get the right man in rather than rush into getting someone who is no better than our caretaker coach manager who is in place.
If it's to be Devaney and it's taken so long to announce then he can't have been first choice, can he?
Yes. He can have been part of an interview process where all candidates were evaluated equally and then offered the job as the preferred option.
I feel sorry for Devaney if he does get it. People have already decided he is the default choice after everyone turned us down based on nowt but rumour and conjecture when it could well be the case that he was the best candidate at interview.
Sometimes it works like that ,I'm sure I've been second choice regular. But took my chance when I got it. A one Danny Wilson was second choice once and ended up getting his chance when Viv couldn't handle the pressure.
Ive nowt against Devaney.. When Duff left, if an hour or a day later, the club had come out and said sumert like... For the sake of continuity and in the good old Barnsley tradition followin Hunter Wison and Heckingbottom.. we have decided to appoint from within. So get behind Martin and the boys..blah blah blah.. it would have all been done and dusted.. move on, we now have direction for the new season. If he gets it this week then it smacks of last resort to me. And of Khalid being prepaired for f'erk all.
One The three ball point pens were perfectly parallel and in alignment. Blue, black and red. Khaled looked up from where he had been tapping them into position, glancing at the figure sat opposite, across the desk, "Sure I cannot change your mind?" The solemn figure of Chris Wilder shook his head. Khaled nodded, his mind drifting, noticing for the first time a french maid dusting the photos on the wall. Funny, he thought, I cannot remember setting on a maid, and certainly not one with a moustache. He watched the feather duster flick over the photo of Granty in mid bounce, airborne dust motes glowing in the Venetian blind filtered morning sun. Khaled shrugged, paying it no further heed. Two "Six weeks that's been in the club shop and, do you know, we've not sold a single copy," Khaled sighed, putting the DVD down on the desk. The small figure opposite reached over, picking up the case. "Simon Davey's Football Funnies," the Welsh accent chirped, the box getting quickly put back down, the dour face on the cover giving him the creeps, "So... are you willing meet me halfway?" Khaled shook his head, "Sorry Nathan, I wish you luck but we cannot meet those demands." Just then there was a thud on the window. Khaled rushed over, turning the blinds. There, hanging from an ankle was a man in overalls, notepad in hand, swinging across the window. "Clumsy window cleaner, eh" Khaled said, once again turning the blinds down, "That moustache does look familiar but I cannot quite place it..." Three A group of guppies chased each other around a miniature statue of Peter Ridsdale. Every few seconds a scattering of tiny air bubbles would escape from the figure's rear and dance to the surface. As Khaled stared into the aquarium he noticed the hulking figure reflecting off the glass. He turned, smiling at Darren Moore, "I'm afraid it's just not going to work," he explained with a sigh. Moore nodded, disappointment on his face. Khaled returned his gaze to the illuminated tank, his heart leaping for a second when he saw a face staring back at him through the glass. Just then a mustachioed workman stood up from behind the fish tank, held aloft a screw, grinned awkwardly, picked up his toolbox and walked out of the office, whistling. This is what I imagine when I read these rumours.
I said rumours as I wasn't told directly by the I try again. Its not a rumour its true from within...believe if u wish..just don't shoot me for sharing