I’m probably of the same vintage as you so I certainly get where you are coming from. However, having seen the club being dragged out of the slough of despond this last season, it is at least a bit concerning that it is potentially slithering back towards it. Hope not, but wouldn’t be surprised.
I couldn't make my mind up which post is the best. The one saying our defence will be Moon and Cotter like we can't sign replacements or the one about never watching us again like we would be losing Bobby Moore or Maldini from our defence even if he did go.
If we sell him... I can't complain, until the season just gone I thought he was a right bag of pants. I don't remember having a real go at him but my stock answer to anyone calling him **** was "he's not that good". I don't anymore, he was, imho, our most improved player last season. But there was a time I wouldn't have given a tenner for two tonne of Liam Kitchings. I can hardly say owt if we get over a million for just one of him.
He went for a bit of financial security I think, and the chance to work with internationals but soon came home
And with all due respect to you, this is where we are. The Owners/Board have conditioned fans to think that selling is normal. "Here - buy in to this. We'll sell the stars but don't worry, there'll be some more along in a minute." We were a poor club, and from time to time when a big offer came in, we had to capitulate. Now it is part of our business model. So don't get used to these players - they'll be gone before you know it. "But trust us!" And that trust has brought us two relegations since Patrick Cryne sold. And we have a poorer squad than we had in December 2017 and are presently in the third tier without a head coach, a captain, and looking increasingly bare of central defenders. It is a right pile of carp really, isn't it?
We have actually so far lost Anderson who we all knew was leaving & went with everyones blessing , Kitchen & Cundy are still at the club & if you are referring to Thomas we have not lost him he is not our player & never has been .
This Thomas thing .. keeps being stated as not ours which is true. But we did have an agreed price/option had we been promoted. So in theory we can say we have lost him so to speak?
Given his contract situation with us, I’d be asking for well over the odds. I am guessing we would be naming him as captain this season so hopefully he’s walking our team out come august.