How do you know they didn't? How do you know the contract offer wasn't on the table before Swansea made the approach?
Are you serious how is that the clubs fault? So clubs were circling duff before the end of the season, the club sat on their hands and did nothing. The season ends, they leave things as they are. Swansea trigger the release clause and suddenly then the club decide to try and get him to sign a new deal. Too late. 100000% BFC’s fault. It’s really not rocket science.
I despair. Wish I had your insight into what the club have & haven't done behind closed doors. Duff himself literally said the club did all they could to keep him.
Duff himself said he learned of interest from other Clubs before Wembley. He also said the club did everything they could to try and keep him. No contract offer was keeping him here.
I remember. You said no contract offer would be made, in fact doing so would be suicide. Your exact words. Now you're criticising them for not doing it sooner?
But it was, wasn’t it? That’s the point. If they were serious about keeping him (and fair play if your willing to nail your colours to the mast in such fashion) they’d have done it well in advance of Swansea triggering the release clause. Which they didn’t. im criticising the fact they’re always the last to the table. If you’re going to do something, do it. Don’t fanny around waiting for everyone else to deal their hand.
Some people on this thread need to grow up. I genuinely can’t believe I’m seeing people who are probably over 40 acting like Twitter freaks that we don’t have a manager or a player has left. I go to games to watch Barnsley, the 11 will have my support regardless. I honestly don’t know who some of you bother, it clearly really upsets you supporting Barnsley.
I'll be honest, you've lost me. I'm getting mixed messages. So what you're saying is, if we were going to go all suicidal and offer him a new deal, we should have done it at least a week earlier?
He was a free agent, and the club offered him terms which he was happy with and willing to sign. He’s as good as ours at that point. Why didn’t he sign? Because duff left, that’s fact. It’s reported everywhere that that was the case.
In your opinion. You keep up the happy clapping. I’d rather call out the clubs failings for what they are, tinpot actions.
Ot was posted on the clubs socials, and he’s not an idiot. He’s hardly going to come out and say “well had they offered me that deal before I knew Swansea was in for me I would have stayed, but they left it too late so it is what it is init?”
Check back on my postings. I was no happy clapper when Conway was in charge. I'm quite happy to judge on the evidence of what is actually happening not the deranged ramblings of a bunch of doom mongers based on pathetic rumours on the internet.