Yes... Although I reckon you should probably ask this question in a few weeks again though, because a lot can change. Pre-Duff leaving I suspect loads would have voted yes. And now there's so many believing daft rumours or just making up ridiculous allegations that it's swaying the vote. Last season they got everything right in football terms, everything major I should say, head coach & incoming players, especially the loan market. I like the fact they put some of their own money in when needed, because they could have easily have let Collins, Andersen, Williams go in Jan on the cheap, instead we kept hold and pushed for a playoff spot. As I say, a lot can change in a few weeks, and I suspect a lot of votes will change when people put their toys back into their respective prams
Still dodging the question of "where we belong" - it's completely irrelevant where other clubs have been historically, you specifically said you wanted a board to take us to "where we belong" without stating where that is. It's not difficult. Upper League 1? Mid/lower Championship? Upper Championship? Premier League pushing for Europe?
When they took over we were in the division above with money in the bank, explain how we’ve moved forward since then?
'Trust them' is a strange question. The real question at this point of the year is: given their track record and the current state of the club, are you sufficiently convinced with their stewardship to invest in a season ticket? Most on here will already have done so. So it's only a relevant question for the 'waverers', as I see it. As one of the latter category, I still see a club that is having difficulties with retention of influential staff and in consequence, is not in any way building on the success of the previous season. This has been a feature of the two post-Patrick Cryne administrations. In any business you have to invest to grow. I don't see this happening currently. For the avoidance of doubt, I see "investing" and propping up as different concepts. So I'm yet to be convinced. And I am presently very sceptical about the so-called "big news", but I am happy to be proved wrong if Khaled has anything of merit to tell us.
Khalid said we turn down approach for duff in January, but how can we do this if he has a buyout clause?
There probably trying there best it all just looks abit worrying from the outside. What conman did was neglect and were still feeling it now.
But wasn't that due to the previous co. ck ups that they were party to My concern with the set up is , we never seem to learn from previous mistakes and from what I can see at the moment they are once again happy treading water instead of swiming to shore... that said the harsh reality that most forget the end of the day its their business and they can spend their money however they see fit...doesn't matter one jot how much anyone of us doesn't like it ....BFC belongs to them....this custodian stuff they spout is just appeasement jargon to ensure they have a smoother ride from those fans onside matter how you dress it up....we as fans can do very little to influence their thought patterns re the bigger picture. To answer the question do I trust them ...I trust them to keep the club afloat protecting their investments but to match the ambition that most would expect to see on the field by advancement then No I don't...because that ambition comes at a price something these owners are not prepared to invest in my opinion not a doom merchant more a realist.. seen a lot in 60 years following this club through the high and lows. ..
Having been at several meetings of all the last 5 CEO's. I'd say yes. Only one I've ever known to throw out the question. "Ask me anything" on every occasion. (Rather than just take questions hoping the awkward one doesn't materialise.)You may like/not like what he has to say. But neither does he leave himself open on confidential matters and neither should he.
We haven't. Explain how the Board we have now includes Paul Conway. He's the reason the club was in the state it found itself in last summer. The current Board have done their level best to rectify the damage.
It would depend on a number of things. Clause might not kick in until the end of the first season or after the contract had run its first year. Maybe the approach in January wasn't of the right kind to trigger the clause (not enough cash offered). Without knowing the exact ins and outs of the contract we'll never know for sure. But it's entirely possible for the buyout clause to exist and us to be able to turn down an approach.
The majority shareholding calls the tune. Hence that was the Lee/Conway era. Once Conway was kicked into touch so to speak. The others gained the upper hand. Owning more than 50% of the shares. And removed lee/conway. from the board. Ending all the speculation for example of moving from Oakwell. There appears to be a much better dialogue with the council over the ownership of the ground issue. Lee is still a major shareholder. But not a controlling amount. It'll be interesting to know how long he's prepared to hold onto his shares. He might be willing to sell at the right price. ? I don't know if the others wish to buy him out. But I see no reason to tbh. Other than the stock may be low and its the right time.
A brilliant little indie film by Hal Hartley (I love his stuff). 1992, I think. Starring Martin Donovan & Adrienne Shelley. Neither of whom are in the frame for the Barnsley job. Though that could be a smokescreen..? One for the indie snowflakes, awesome soundtrack..