Here’s a summary from [mention]funnyfella23 [/mention]twitter from tonight’s fan engagement forum ( was away in London with work ) Key Points Next season kit manufacturer under consideration. Reaction to kit = club attention. Think these are the pint pots that can fill in 4 secs so should make it quicker to serve in the concourse.
So whatever you're told you're going to go ahead and believe the exact opposite. And yet you'll ceaselessly moan about not being told anything.
So what do you want to hear? You're told they're not for sale and take that as meaning they will be off at the first chance. Presumably if he'd said we're open to offers you'd have criticised the lack of ambition and ability to hold on to our best players. There is literally NOTHING that the club can say that will keep some people remotely happy. Happy clappers? Not sure what the opposite of that is. Miserable twunts? Dour moaners?
@Gally (or anyone who attended last night or one of the previous events) Has Khaled or any other member of the board confirmed whether they browse the BBS from time to time? It would be interesting to know whether they feel that this place or the club's other social media channels are more representative of the opinions of the fanbase.
Loko used to point this out all the time, when someone on the bbs would make a wild claim and back it up with 'all fans are saying it' when in reality there'd be about 4 people on the bbs who were backing it up.
The twitter updates were very useful (thanks @funnyfella23). Slightly surprised that there was no mention of this meeting happening beforehand though. Was it arranged at short notice?
I’ll make my final point as a fan who would sometimes like to hear news first hand rather than trawl through hastily taken notes ( I would also like to see the sincerity in the people speaking’s eyes, so I know when they are lying). Is the calendar of these meetings published ? Or does it come with a proviso do not disclose so people can’t know until after the fact ? The first mention of last night when I saw someone saying similar on social media, hardly open and transparent is that is it? But happy to be labelled a moaning git because I see nothing to build on nearly getting promoted to build on! Everything since has lessened our chance of building on the success but happy to be proved wrong.
I take that as club don’t want to sell, but as always if offers come in that are too good to turn down then they will have to seriously consider them, though not sell all 3 of them. Nothing new there and no criticism from me if there is investment in the first team
Please try and specifically explain why you believe that we'll sell those 3 players when we've been told we won't. Your logic is literally outstanding.
The same logic that Duff wasn’t here short term and Mads wasn’t for sale ! Not hard to work out really is it ? Of course everyone has their price but we seem to sell and not re-invest this squad already looks threadbare up to press. But hey let’s not build on the momentum and feel good factor we created on over achieving, let’s get back to little old Barnsley it will keep most on here happy.
Tbf we've been here before on this. I understand both sides. It obviously isn't some secret mason handshake event, where supporters groups plot with the Club to manipulate all media narratives to fans. Despite what the likes of Zazlos and Thereev want the world to think. It's also good to hear Khaled say it's not secret and people can get invited. However, if people don't know the event is happening, how are they meant to be able to do that? I personally had absolutely no idea it was happening, or how to request an invite. If I'd known, I would have asked. Or at least asked how I could get my questions raised. So I understand people being a bit miffed on that.