So, both @Sopwith Camel and @SamBfC90 dropped Neill Collins into conversation at early-ish points in the recruitment process. Good guess or insider tips? I know I'd never heard of him - at least not in the context of a potential manager. How do you pick up on someone so left-field?
I wouldn't be surprised if the Glazers buy Barnsley after they sell Man Utd. They have a Tampa connection. The American style MLS shirts and everything seem to be pointing that way .
It could be a long trek to home games if the American influence gets much more and we re-locate to this place
I think @SamBfC90 was also the first to mention Higgins as well… perhaps he’s actually Khaled in disguise.
Well he clearly was, as he's got the job. Who do you think was in the field? Properly in the field, not just forum speculation....
And can we have a new sticky please Gally…. we can add in the best tips in this vein over the years from this board, people with the best insider info etc. Then if we have to go through this pain again next Summer, I can just filter out info from anyone whom isn’t on that list!
Funny you say that, I was gunna suggest similar. Like the BBS player of the year, but an ongoing count of posted rumours, confirmed and *****. In a league table. It will sort out the "in the know" bolox