Not only if you walk away. If you down tools and essentially deliberately tossed it off. You would be sacked. Why are football players treat different?
I think Iseka is a strange one. We hear he is lazy, stealing a wage etc but the truth is we don't know the man, we just form an opinion based on number of appearances and loose soundbites from fellas like Micky, and we couldn't even trust him in the end.
I don't. I'm not saying everything is easy for him, but he has many options. He earns so much money he can afford to fly to wherever his family is and back every weekend and not even notice the cost. He could learn the language and try and make friends. Or, if he's really finding it tough, he could speak to the club and ask for his contract cancelling. We'd do that in a second. He has that option whenever he wants it. He'll not though will he, he'll continue to take the money. At which point my sympathy is gone. Being paid that amount of money comes with responsibilities. If you don't want those responsibilities, that's fine, stop taking the money.
To be fair to Iseka he actually managed the odd decent game under the 2 clowns in a season where even Woodrow looked lazy and useless. Seems strange how we want to support and invest in youth but not our top earners. Club should be trying to squeeze the pips out of him.
He knew full well what he was doing signing Iseka and Oulare, you need to check out Conman's link to their agent. He was lining his own pockets with those deals and didn't give a **** that they didn't want to be at the club. Just shows what an absolute parasite Paul Conway is. Thankfully we've now managed to get Oulare off the wage bill although he's cost BFC huge sums, hopefully Iseka will follow shortly.
You have sympathy for a player earning between £6k-£7k per week who doesn't want to be at the club. Why? As @Jay pointed out, if he doesn't want to be here he could easily ask for his contract cancelling but he ain't going to do that is he. Best option here is that the club come to a mutual termination to get rid of him like they've done with Oulare.
to be fair most businesses have a stage gate process for big capital expenditure. I assume BFC do too so the problem is a shared one not just Conway (as convenient as that may be). If we don’t have a stage gate process then that’s a failure of business not of Conway.
The families of Micky Long Haul, Stendel and Struber as three examples didn't have their family around them in Barnsley and it didn't affect their mentality. I reckon if Iseka is given a chance he will take it. He should rip up the division we are in.
I know nowt about him. Except what folks say, not much I take as true. If he wants to play football, he best pull his socks out of his arse, apparently..
I’m not sure he will get a second chance under the new coach, especially if it is true about him wanting a team of hard workers and grafters.
Football contracts are weird. In any other job, if you don’t meet certain targets etc, every week, month whatever. You’re in breach of contract & might find yourself out on your ear, after a couple of warnings. I don’t get it. If he wants to be a footballer? get the fck on with it. Or mutually agree to dissolve the contract, if it’s clearly not working. & remind him of the key workers in London who can’t afford to live anywhere near their place of employment.. Even I, have only do much sympathy for a lazy footballer. It’s his career, he will regret all this crap in ten years time..
Styles was my favourite player. Looked like he had the right attitude, workrate and wasn't scared of older heads. Looked like he was going to be an adopted Barnsley lad... until his international call up, then his head got turned.
Clearly I didn't word my post very well. The opening point of it was that I'm not happy paying someone who doesn't want to be here for another 2 years. On a personal note, if you take out the money aspect, I sympathise with him. But what I will say is, why should he ask for a termination of his contract, if the club have agreed to pay him that much a week, and then are happy to send him out on loan to somewhere where he feels more comfortable. It's not often I side against the club, and the person who's caused this issue isn't there anymore, but it was madness to give someone with no league experience a 4 year deal on reportedly around £5.5k a week in the first place. Of course he doesn't want to cancel it, he can't believe his luck. Nobody else wants to take on his contract, so we're stuck with him downing tools every summer and forcing a loan every year for 4 years.
Can you imagine Iseka in the dressing room on double money of most of the other players . I can't see this one working out. Little said the better. Very talented footballer. Waste of space as a team player.
If, as mentioned above, he's struggled to be away from his family, I sympathise with him. Nobody knows truly how he's feeling. I don't subscribe to this notion that because he is getting paid a lot of money, then he doesn't have the right to have feelings. From a purely football perspective, I want him off the wage bill ASAP. I've just watched the training video from a few days ago, and his body language is that of a man who doesn't want to be there.
I get that but has as already been pointed out, he can also to leave barnsley FC at any point by cancelling his extremely lucrative contract. Your argument appears to be "why should he?" Well because you reckon he's unhappy. It's a bit like marrying an extremely wealthy woman and sign a prenup. You quickly realise that you really hate her and are miserable every day having to see her face. She offers you a divorce but you say "no. You married me, and I'm going to stay here miserable every day so that I can drive your Ferrari". I'd have about as much sympathy with you whining that you're miserable 'trapped' in a marriage you refuse to leave as I do with that lazy ******* who willingly signed a big contract
But he's not trapped in the miserable relationship though, is he? He's living it up with his brother in Turkey, whilst we presumably still foot the bill, because nobody wants to take on his wage. If it was as simple as agreeing to cancel his contract, it would have been done last summer. I'm not saying I wouldn't like that to happen, just that it clearly isn't going to happen. I guarantee he'll be out on loan again by the close of the transfer window. This is all Mr Conway's doing.