I have no mates either and could be the Captain on your suicide mission if you are completely bereft. Not just yet though. Let's hear the "news" first.
Dont talk crap. The representatives of the many organisations are invited. Supporters trust Independent coach organisers Disabled. Admin of this group of such as Gally. Etc Not one who I know tow the club line. (Except the employees present.). Agree on certain issues yes. All issues. no. And put things forward that may improve the club. Tell you what. take up my offer of attending the next meeting. We are always allowed to bring a.n. other. Others have shied away. So I always have to ask someone from our group. And for example 1 lad i take. Takes up issues for the disabled as he is visually impaired. Yes there are 1 or 2 who tend to listen rather than speak. But there are those who pull em to task.
I see Eyup & Down are banging the secret meeting rubbish today and yet they were represented at the meeting in question
Touchy touchy, I never mentioned any specific group just said fans. As for your offer, nah the odd 10 minutes browsing on here is sickly enough never mind sitting in a room full of brown nosers worshipping JAQ and Khalid the Messiah
That’s it yes. Just brown nosers from all fan groups, pocasts. YouTube channels. That wonderfully simple view covers it. No criticism, or searching questions are ever asked at all. Its usually the same though. The keyboard warriors are quick to simplify, moan and have a go but never want to take time out themselves to get the answer or understand an issue. Quick to tar everyone with the same brush when in reality there are wide ranging viewpoints at these meetings, like most groups of people in life, but hey just go with an idle generalisation.
But the ones that attend are fans but also are representatives/organisers. one and the same. so I dont get your point. I will await your next ill prepared comment. After the next one. Your last comment says a lot about you and most keyboard warriors.
So you're complaining that the meetings are secret and fans aren't allowed because they tow the club line. But you don't want to go when you get invited? What do you suggest?
I can guarantee you whatever the news is, Zazlos will criticise the club. That's all I've ever known him do.
I have 3 issues with the meetings, and always have had the same ones I think. I'll try to explain them in the most constructive way possible. The first one is best described by two examples. There was a meeting the other day or whenever it was and yet the only person I've seen give any information out about what was said was matchday drinkers live tweeting. Wasn't the idea of the meetings (originally) that the group reps who attended were supposed to feedback what was said to the respective groups? Otherwise surely it really isn't about groups at all and is simply about selected individuals being invited? The other example is one I'm sure you'll remember well as it involved you. I can't remember what it was about but matchday drinkers said something had been said at the meeting and you posted on here a completely different account of what it meant. We argued about it at the time. Now I'm sure both of you were honest but the fact two people could attend the meeting and come away with completely different takes on what was said shows something is wrong with the way feedback works. So basically my first issue is that the way information comes out of the meeting needs to be improved. That could easily be achieved by someone taking minutes which those present would agree were accurate and they could then be publicly released. Alternatively just live stream it, it's 2023. The second issue is that often they are very hush hush and nobody knows they exist until afterwards. That means that issues just don't get raised because the few people who know about them haven't even thought about them or don't consider them important. If they were ALWAYS advertised in advance then people could send questions to the people who apparently represent their 'group'. In fact wouldn't it be a good idea if the club even advertised each upcoming meeting AND a list of invitees and who they represent? That way everyone would know who to contact and when. The third is that I think it would be really wise to rotate who is invited each time. Not the groups as such but who represents them. That would prevent people from believing that the meetings are about special invited people who are towing the party line to keep their invites. I'm sure there will always be enough people wanting to go to the meetings from each particular groups that there are enough people to go around. Keeping the same people all the time just seems to create a division from the outside looking in. The haves and the have nots. None of those things are a dig at the people attending but I just think the way it works with the meetings taking place in secret, being the same people and then nobody actually saying what was discussed just really gives the impression of a closed shop of favoured fans. It's not the case but it gives that impression. So basically advertise them in advance and tell people who is going. Rotate who represents people to avoid overfamiliarity and make sure that feedback is actually given out. It could even be a condition of invitation.