BBC News - Paddy McCourt: Suspended sentence for ex-NI footballer
Its not Rolf Harris or Jimmy Saville territory based on this one incident (if its isolated) but I'm glad he's been done. Totally unacceptable.
He’s his own worst enemy. One of the most naturally skilful players I’ve ever seen that should’ve had a much better career, but threw it all away with only himself to blame.
One of my all-time favourite Barnsley footballers. However, this kind of action is inexcusable and disgusting.
I once knocked about with a Jockey called Vince Halliday. Inexplicably on a night out he bit a woman's neck in the Horse Vaults in Pontefract. I never had anything to do with him after that. The demon drink has a lot to answer for.
Surprised he denied it and plans to appeal it, as surely it's clear as day on CCTV with it happening in a bar.
Denied the incident, then ? He said it had been "an isolated incident" that had taken place in "a moment of madness". How does that work.
That's what got I'm into trouble in the first place...putting his hand up..... Apparently when he was up in front of the judge his voice was a little hoarse from the booze the night before ....the judge said have you tried sucking on a fisherman's friend .....his posh solicitor chipped in....don't you think he's in enough trouble Ma'lawd
Surprised McGeehan hasn’t taken the rap. I did a few of these cases back in the day and the CCTV is rarely crystal clear and sometimes open to interpretation - be it hand to buttock or an innocent brushing by. Truly seen as bottom end stuff back then but now taken much more seriously, rightly so given the numbers of sexually aggressive gropers still out there.