paid for in march early bird, delivered quick last season this season been disaster after disaster, some got theirs weeks ago others still waiting total f c k up
Its not though. If you've still not got it at 3pm on 5th August, you could probably class it as a f c k up then, but definitely not now.
Still waiting for x2. I do find it a ‘f*ck up’ to be honest. I might not need it until the Open Day but the communication is horrendous for the amount spent. I paid the best part of a thousand pound months ago and received not a word since, despite it saying that they would arrive the first two weeks of June. If they’re not ready, they’re not ready, fine, but I would expect an email at the very least that said ‘if you’re still waiting for your season ticket, don’t worry, they are in the process of being sent out’. I’m not too bothered as I’ve had ones before (well, I’m not worried at all but I am bothered about the rudeness) and know what the club is like but it’s my dad’s first one and he keeps having a right ‘mare about it, especially as he knows people who bought them after the Early Bird deadline had ended and already have theirs. It’s a long time to wait with no communication or reassurance. I had a panic that I’d not actually bought them properly and logged in to check that it was listed in my purchase history.