This is what gets me. You can have a fair and square debate and disagreement around facts but when people just make stuff up it does my head in!
I'm not sure that they are deliberately making things up. I think it's just that they misread it in the first place or misremembered it. Because Collins was one of our saleable players and Khaled listed the rest of the key players who wouldn't be sold it's fairly easy to just gloss over that and in your head add Collins to the list. On this one though they were definitely wrong, as far as anyone knows from the limited feedback that came from the meeting he didn't mention Collins. The mature thing to have done would be to reply saying "oh sorry, I misread that. You're right Khaled didn't say it". On a more general theme though I think that when people misremember things or say things that aren't actually true the club has to take a lot of the blame for that because they are so poor with communication in key areas that it's very very easy to get confused. Nothing is ever explained clearly and simply and the vast majority of the information always comes second hand from others at the meetings instead of the club addressing all fans equally and even then it seems that they give half answers that leave room for interpretation and confusion. And this isn't a new thing either, it goes back to Patrick cryne and the completely contradictory comments he made about James's involvement in our recruitment policy. That led to him moaning that fans were making things up. Well no, they weren't. He had caused it himself. Back to this thread though. I'm as critical of Khaled and the board as anyone but I just can't see where they've lied to the fans recently at all. Poor communication yes but no lies at all. The only person I can see who has lied recently would be Duff who's programme notes at Wembley were at odds with his actions weeks afterwards.
I know you've bashed the club a lot lately, deservedly so at times in my opinion, but no way is that fair. You cannot blame the club for people making things up just so they can then have a swipe at the club
Isn't there a difference between making things up and misunderstanding or misremembering things? The club does have to take blame for that because of their confusing communication on certain issues. In this particular case with saying Collins that's all on the fan though.
Have I misunderstood our Official Statementas it looks like we actually reported this to the EFL ourselves. This looks like the current Board trying to clear up the mess left behind by Lee & Conway who jumped ship before they gor caught.
To some extent I agree ST but there are individuals who repeatedly put their own interpretation on things and run with that as fact or who latch onto completely unsubstantiated rumours and then use them to bash the club. The Wilder signing was one instance. Clearly nothing more than a rumour based on something someone had heard from his mate and the next thing the hard of thinking are taking it as gospel and moaning when it's not true. In terms of communication from the club what we have regarding the EFL charges possibility is not enough. Clearly the club can't comment on the case itself but Khaled should be issuing some sort of statement reassuring fans that the club is moving forward with normal pre season, recruitment and that the club isn't in crisis. The majority don't really need to know that but the club bashers are more than happy to have us with points deducted, getting relegated and in receivership based on their opportunity to fill the void with utter nonsense.
He quite frankly can't. All they said about Brad is, they were in discussions as with many players. When asked if he would be leaving. (Mainly because he is/was in the last year of his contract.) And No names were mentioned only that a few had knocked on his door and told they were going nowhere. Make of that what you will. Re matchday drinkers quote re players named. that must have been in the first 20/25 minutes which I missed. I'd would have been critical. if he named em whist I was there. And would have told him he was out of order. Things like that should be private in my view.