And as a follow up (and this isn't aimed at you) the reason I get so wound up by some posters on here is what I see on twitter etc. Take JAQ as an example. She gets stuff right, sometimes wrong. But you cannot question her enthusiasm and commitment. Her promotion of the Ladies team alone is testament to that. Yet she gets absolutely vile abuse from so called fans on social media. I would hate this place to become the same but there are certain posters who lean that way and it's a f****ing shame.
Literally never spoken to you before so don’t understand why you’ve brought yourself into something that doesn’t concern you?
Adding yourself into a conversation that has FA to do with you tells me everything I need to know about you. Saddo.
You replied to me commenting about my responses to you and loaded in the reference to the racism argument. I was simply clarifying that it was not something I agreed with. Again, and I made a point of NOT accusing you, I don't want this place turning into the toxic cesspit that is twitter. If it does then I'm off. Right that's enough for me on this conversation.
Ok it was going to be my last comment. But then you take umbrage at someone making a comment to me. Post a meme, tell him to not comment and call him a saddo. Then you'll be complaining that YOU'RE the one being bullied. Irony. Right. Done.
Never said owt about being bullied, I said some of you’re have a pack mentality and I stand by that cos 3 of you have shown that tonight.
What have you made up? You've literally just accused me of being in a pack and ganging up and picking on you... Ahhh yes - there's those verbal attacks you mention you're a victim of. You do realise when you comment on a public forum, that means other people can reply? Just because you're in a conversation with someone doesn't mean you get to decide who can & can't comment on it.
Literally just said you can get easy wins now by just accusing anyone of being in a pack - and you've just proved my point. It's very immature mate. I'll leave you and your victim narrative alone since this conversation isn't going anywhere.
I haven’t made that up though, it’s true and it’s not just me you and your buddies have done it to. I mean you’ve even just done it tonight ffs!
You're on the internet, and a public message board. So if you want a private conversation you're in the wrong place.
Odd conversation. Like most things I life it’s not black and white it’s 50 shades of grey (without the mild and predictable bondage). When leadership is needed we do seem to have a vacuum. JAQ makes genuine attempts to engage which can only be celebrated. I don’t think we are well run or that there is sufficient communication but at the same time there’s zero excuse for abuse.
Not disputing any of that. Just don’t understand why the poster felt the need to insert themselves into a debate which was clearly already 2 against 1. It was like they only did it to insult me and get a rise outta me, which they did so hope it made their night. This forum is the wrong place for quite a few people on here tbf. Some would prefer it if you never challenged their opinion. It’s like you’re not allowed to go against the grain, if you do you’re deemed negative and therefore not a genuine supporter of this club.
I'm in a WhatsApp group with about 20 other friends in Dodworth. One of the members is a lady in her 70s who is a bit of a gossip, and often moans about others in our circle. She simply cannot grasp that everyone in the group can read her messages, she thinks if she mentions someone by name only that person can read her message. Quite often she writes something insulting about another group member, not realising we can all read it. We've tried time and time again to explain it to her, without success. She gets ratty and accuses us of reading her private messages