They have their place - My Mrs has one for her hobby job as a part time ski instructor. So when they are short and need extra instuctors they ask their part timers who can cover the lessons, if she is free she will volunteer and get paid, if its not convenient she declines and they either find someone else or worst case have to cancel the lesson. It works for both parties in this case What I cant get my head around is any contract where you are obligated to be available but the company doesn't have to give you any work or pay you a retainer. Thats just not right
Ack on topic before it got hijacked by the Starmer cult. I’ve got a mate who has worked for them for 20 years plus started out in some graduate scheme and loves it. Says they are an excellent company to work for once you get away from the bottom rung.
Quite correct from what I've read. There's nothing wrong with controlling money, budgeting, targeting funds, borrowing, increasing tax, decreasing tax as long as one realises these are political choices. The tendency is for people to think 'The country can't afford it' rather than 'whats the best decision we can make which is ultimately affordable'
A good basic explainer here for non economic types I admin an economics site and people whatever their political views are just laughing at Labours economic ‘views’.
You're being harsh I'm afraid. I disagree with him intensely for the reasons I've stated but he's entitled to his views just as much as me or you. I dont think he's ever responded to the 'Starmer is a liar' comment adequately nor do I think he logically defended Starmers position on the two -cap policy. I think his arguments ate flawed. However, he MAY ultimately be right about Starmer (I think he will be disappointed). Whatever, although I can see your point about the 'cult' of Starmer I think you do Kaht a disservice. Be nice to see what Mr Kaht says rather than talking behind his back.
Close relative works at McD's and for some reason he doesn't like telling people he works there! The pay is o.k. and they have various schemes e.g Graduate Training Scheme for staff advancement. A lot of youngsters who are students work there as they are able to work flexible hours and they can attend college at the same time. Plenty worse employers! (and if I can bang on about fkn Wales again - it is possible to order on the touch screen in Cymraeg ( or Polish) in all Mcd's)
I think your economics are perfectly sensible. However, most people will still tend to see government like a household budget. They will. They don't read economic pamphlets or go on economic courses. Their individual circumstances will tell them, rightly or wrongly, that the Government is pursuing sensible policies.
You must be impressed, surely that Helen Steel and David Morris were represented pro bono against MacDonalds in the celebrated "MacLibel" case by a certain Mr Starmer?