Still going ahead as planned, but things could change.
Why ?. Or did you come that conclusion yourself. Can't see where there was any doubt. Gunman dead. History of violence. If that's the case no tournament in the world would get off the ground. Australia v Republic of ireland . 11am if anyone interested.
How many eyes do you think I’ve got man !!!! Golf, Ashes and now the womens World Cup…. This retired life thing is taking it out of me
Not mine lol. Seen em advertised. I get banished to mi man cave if I want to watch owt that she who must be obeyed doesn't. At least i have my own remote and can switch channels at will lol.
I couldn't sleep, so I got up at 3:00 for the Aussie game. I thought Ireland came back strong in the last third of the game. I had the football on the TV and the Ashes on the laptop. Retirement has its benefits.
Only cos I've got one of those Cellophane sheets with the colours mingled in. I place in front of mi black n white. I could get the spacemams helmet out of the garage mind. But I have to hold the aerial to watch it. Don't get that sort of drama in the mens game Our opening match in the morning seems pretty pointless. If it was the mens game it would be like Man City playing a non league team.
Good shootout this. Aussie keeper well off her line saving a French penalty and then let their keeper try and get them through who missed so justice maybe done with the arrogance shown.
Plenty of drama during pens. Gotta be honest based on that performance England shouldn’t be too concerned IF they get through. Australia only team to have beaten England under current coach though.